New Girl?? (Part 4)

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Last Time.....

Steve- I plopped myself down on the couch trying control my anger before I would go upstairs to talk to Lissy.



-Lissy Room-

Lissy- I've been sitting in my room waiting for my Dad to come in. I knew that I was in huge trouble for the way I behaved. I layed on my bed trying to distract me from what was coming. I knew that I had made my Dad angry and mad at me for the way I treated Alexis. There was no way I could get out of this. I hear my Dad coming up the stairs. I continue to stare at the ceiling as I hear the door opening.

Dad- "We need to talk"

Dad- "We need to talk"

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Lissy- I nodded my head

Dad- "Verbal response"

Lissy- "Fine"

Dad- "Please sit up while I'm talking to you"

Lissy- I didn't feel like listening but I knew i should. I rolled my eyes as I got up from where I was laying and sat up on the bed criss cross applesacue. I stared down at my lap where my hands were. I was trying to avoid making eye contact with him.

Dad- "I want an explanation on your behavior tonight Allyssa"

Dad- "I want an explanation on your behavior tonight Allyssa"

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Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "Didn't I tell you that you were to be nice and respectful tonight"?

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "I asked you a question"

Lissy- I nodded my head

Dad- "A verbal response Allyssa"


issy- "You did"

Dad- "Then explain to me why you didn't listen to me"

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