What Is That..

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Lissy- I slowly approached the house. I walk up the steps. I put my fist up to the door to knock but stop myself. I was hesitant to be here. I brought my fist down and was about to turn around when I finally decided to knock.

Knock knock

??- "Lissy"?

Lissy- " Hi Catherine"

Cat- "What are you doing here? How did you get here"?

Lissy- "A cab. I need a favor."

Cat- "Is your Dad okay"?

Lissy- " He's fine."

Cat- "Does your Dad know that you are here"?

Lissy- I nodded my head

Cat- " Lissy'?

Lissy- "Fine, he doesn't know. But Danny knows I'm here."

Cat- I looked at her

Lissy- "Alright, no one knows I'm here."

Cat- "Your Dad is probably freaking out."

Lissy- "Nope. I told him I was going over to a friend's house for a group project."

Cat- "So you lied to him."

Lissy- "I didn't lie....exactly."

Cat- "How not exactly"?

Lissy- " I did go over to a friend's house."

Cat- "But we aren't doing a group project, Lissy."

Lissy- "Look, I need your help."

Cat- "Help with what"?

Lissy- "Before I tell you can you promise me not to tell my Dad"?

Cat- " Lissy, I don't know about that."

Lissy- "Come on, Cat. Plz"

Cat- "Lissy"

Lissy- "Look, you and my Dad aren't together anymore. So you won't be doing anything wrong since you are not his girlfriend anymore."

Cat- "Just because your Dad and I aren't together doesn't mean I can't keep things from him."

Lissy- "Catherine, please."

Cat- "How bad is this"?

Lissy- " Not bad."

Cat- "Then why cant your Dad know if it isn't that bad"?

Lissy- " You know how my Dad is. Everything to him is a big deal."

Cat- "Because everything you do is a big deal. And you do multiple times."

Lissy- "Name one thing that was a big deal and that I did multiple times."

Cat- "Sneaking out"

Lissy- "Name another"

Cat- "Cheating, fighting, lying, and smoking."

Lissy- "I only smoked once"

Cat- "That's not what I heard."

Lissy- "Look, I didn't come here to be lectured. If I wanted that, I would've gone to my Dad or Danny."

Cat- "Tell me what it is."

Lissy- "Promise not to tell"?

Cat- I sighed, knowing that if I don't promise and she won't tell me. Maybe it's something small, and Steve doesn't need to know, But what if it's something big then I wouldn't be able to tell him. "I promise."

Steve McGarrett Daughter (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ