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Lissy- It's been about three months since the whole me sneaking out and me not being able to go anywhere or be by myself situation. Three long boring months. I hated not having the freedom. I even lost the privilege of having a bedroom door.

It wasn't supposed to happen when I first got grounded but me and my smart mouth got me losing my bedroom door. I lost it within a few days of my grounding and I still don't have it back.

I'm kinda off from being grounded but kinda am still. I'm still not entirely allowed to be myself or go anywhere but there are times if I have a school group project due then my Dad will let me go to a library with my friends and work on it. Since he can't really have them come to the palace to work on it.

In order for me to go out, I have to show him proof that I do have a group project due and then the grade we got. Kinda lame and extensive if you ask me but I guess I can't really blame him. I did bring it upon myself. My Dad usually says I don't take responsibility for my actions but I just did so he can't say I don't.

On a brighter note, I got my phone back after not having it for like two months or so. Also, another thing I have to do which sucks is that I have to give him my phone every night at 10. No exception. He doesn't look through it or anything but in order for me to have my phone the next day, I have to give it to him.

Anyways I have a "school project" due for my science class so I have gotta ask my Dad for permission to go. See how I put air quotations around the school project? That means I don't really have a school project to work on. Before you get all accusatory on me I do have a school project due. My friends and I have already been working on it at school and we've almost finished it.

We still have a few things to do for it but we've decided to work on it some other time. Just not this time around. I'm gonna bring my backpack and so are my friends with our science book and school stuff to make it look as if we are going to work on the project when in reality we are not.

You may be thinking that I'm crazy for going behind my Dads back after getting grounded for three months. But hear me out first. For three long months, I've been stuck with my Dad or a grownup he trusts pretty much 24/7. Besides sleeping, changing, and going to the bathroom I've been with him or an adult. It wasn't fun for me.

In the beginning, Tani or Quinn would go with me to the bathroom to make sure I wasn't lying or trying to escape. Now I have to be back within a certain time frame without them coming to find me. Let's just say that happened one time and it didn't end well for me.

Recently my Dad got a better security system put in and now he gets an alert on his phone every time a door or window gets opened or closed. He also got locks installed on the windows since my sneaking out adventures had been more frequent. But now he has locks on both sides of the window when it just to be only on one side. It can only be unlocked only through his phone. Since he found out that was my escape route. Also, he has the alarm set every single time we leave and when we are home.

My Dad and only Junior knows the code to disarm it and arm it. Danny knows it as well for emergency purposes. Not even his own daughter knows the code. I guess he doesn't trust me with knowing the code. With the alarm, it has made it impossible for me to sneak out. I guess that's how he wanted it and so far it has kept me from sneaking out. My Dad didn't get security put it just because I've been sneaking out. He always had alarms and security on our house. Simply for our protection. But he has gotten more serious about it since I've snuck out more.

I'm currently sitting in my Dads office working on some homework. I look up from my school work and see him and his team standing around the computer thingy in the middle of all of the offices discussing a case they're working on at the moment.

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