Home...Part 2

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Dad- "Addition to the spanking, you are getting the ruler on your hands for sneaking out and drinking, you are grounded completely until further notice. During that time you are to either stay with me or someone I chose at all times. Most of the time you are going to be with me. No phones, no tv, no laptop, and no music. Your bedroom door is coming off as well"

 Your bedroom door is coming off as well"

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Lissy- "You can't take my door away"

Dad- "You can't be trusted anymore Allyssa. So until I can trust you again, no door"

 So until I can trust you again, no door"

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Lissy- "But I need my privacy"

Dad- "You've lost that privelge of privacy after you snuck out"

Dad- "You've lost that privelge of privacy after you snuck out"

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Lissy- "Your being unreasonable"

Dad- " I'm not in the mood bring reasonable with you righ now Allyssa

Dad- " I'm not in the mood bring reasonable with you righ now Allyssa

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