Not a big deal?? (Part 2)

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-Later On-

Lissy- " So where's the party at"?

Maddie- " Jamie's house"

Lissy- "How are we supposed to get there doesn't she live like 10 minutes from here"?

Maddie- " Yeah but Josh is coming to pick us up"

Lissy- " Cool so the party starts at 11:30 right"?

Maddie- " Yup"

Lissy- " Too be honest with you I'm excited"

Maddie- " Me too"

-Knock knock-

Andrew- " Girls it's time to take off the makeup and get ready for bed"

Maddie- " But Dad we were going to have a fashion show"

Andrew- " Alright but in bed no later than 11:30. Clear"?

Maddie- " Yes Sir'

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Andrew- "That gives you guys an hour to be up"

Maddie- " Okay.....thanks Dad"

Andrew- " I'm trusting you guys that you would obey and not do anything stupid, right"?

Maddie- "We won't Dad. Don't worry"

Andrew- " Don't pull a stunt or do anything that would get you into trouble girls"

Lissy- " We won't"

Maddie- " Trust us Dad"

Andrew- " I don't really want to call your Dad Allyssa"

Lissy- "You don't need to"

Andrew- "Okay then, I'll leave you girls alone"

Maddie- "Thanks Dad"

Andrew- " Goodnight Mads and Lissy, I'll see you guys in the morning" I said as kissed Maddie on the head and left

Maddie- " Night Daddy"

Lissy- "Goodnight Andrew"


Maddie- "I don't know if I want to go now"

Lissy- "Why not"!

Maddie- "Didn't you see how my Dad was telling me how much he trusts me? I don't want to lose his trust"

Lissy- " Come on Maddie"

Maddie- " I don't know"

Lissy- "It won't be fun without you there"

Maddie- "I'll think about it, okay"?

Lissy- "Okay, fine"

-5 minutes before Josh is supposed to come-

Lissy- "So you coming or no"?

Maddie- "I'm not coming"

Lissy- "Suit yourself and you better not tell on me"

Maddie- "I won't"

Lissy- " Josh just texted saying that he's here. You sure you don't want to come"?

Maddie- " Yeah I'm sure"

Lissy- " Okay then bye"

Maddie- "Wait..."

Lissy- " What"?

Maddie- " Be safe"

Lissy- " I will. Bye"

Maddie- " Fine I'm going"

Lissy- " You sure'?

Maddie- " I do want to go"

Lissy- " Okay then let's go"


Lissy- We were having a great time when all of a sudden we heard someone yell......

??- "Cops"!

Uh oh......what's going to happen??
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