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Dad- "You know what I think? I think you were thinking of it in your head but you didn't expect to say it out loud to me. Am I right"?

Lissy- (no response)

Dad- " Well"?


Dad- "I asked you a question"

Lissy- I shrugged

Dad- "You know very well that I don't accept that answer"

Dad- "You know very well that I don't accept that answer"

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Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Dad- "Allyssa McGarrett"

Lissy- "What"?

Dad- "I'm starting to lose my patience with you"

Lissy- I ignored his comment

Dad- "You are grounded until further notice. You have no access to anything. No computer, no phone, no tv, no friends, nothing. If you have homework to do on the computer you are only allowed to use it when I'm watching you. You are going to have very limited access to anything"

 You are going to have very limited access to anything"

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Lissy- (no response)

Dad- "During that time you will have extra chores to do"

Lissy- "yippee"

Dad- "Cut out the sarcasm"

Lissy- "This is going to like every other time I was grounded. You're so strict in the beginning and then you ease up in the end"

Dad- "Allyssa enough with the attitude"

Lissy-"Are we done here? Like as in you giving me my punishments"

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa, what did I just say about your attitude"

Dad- "Seriously Allyssa, what did I just say about your attitude"

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