NCIS....Part 4

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Fuente Restaurante Bar & Grill

Steve- "Sorry we are late. I had to deal with something" I said as we sat down at the table with Callen, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks.

Callen- "No worries man"

Abby- "Took you guys forever"

Callen- "Abigail enough"

Abby- "Sorry"

*During Dinner*

Abby- "So what happened"? I whispered

Lissy- "What do you mean"? I asked

Abby- "What did your Dad say about us sneaking out"?

Lissy- "Lets just say he wasn't happy. He made me return all the clothes I had bought with his money. We are having a talk later on"

Abby- "Told you shouldn't have taken it"

Lissy- "Whatever. What happened to you"?

Abby- "My Dad lectured me and I'm grounded for a month"

Lissy- "That's it"?

Abby- "Yeah, what did you expect"?

Lissy- "Longer grounding and a spanking"

Abby- "Not this time. Thankfully"

Lissy- "Oh"

Abby- "What about you"?

Lissy- "He hasn't told me yet but definitely a spanking and probably grounding is in order"

Abby- "That sucks"

Lissy- "Yeah" I said. It isn't fair! She got off easier than I did!

Abby-  "Sorry"

Lissy- "I'm sitting in my seat with my arms crossed looking mad, angry, and upset.

Kensi- "You okay Lissy"? I asked looking at her

Lissy- (no response) I started to zone everyone out

Steve- "Allyssa"? I said

Lissy- (no response) I wasn't paying attention

Danny- "Lissy"?

Lissy- (no response) Again I'm zoning people out

Abby- I poked Lissy on the arm

Lissy- "What the heck"! I yelled as I hit Abby hard.

Abby- "Owww"

Steve- "Allyssa McGarrett"!

Steve- "Allyssa McGarrett"!

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Lissy- "What"! I spat

Steve- "Apologize to Abby for hitting her"

Steve- "Apologize to Abby for hitting her"

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