👻Halloween Special Part 2👻

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-McGarrett House-

Lissy and Grace went upstairs to hang out while Steve and Danny talked in the living room


Steve- "Are you sure about this Danny"

Danny- "Steve they are fourteen going on fifteen. We can't always take them"

Steve- "I don't trust people out there mainly Lissy and her ideas"

Danny- "Steve you got to let Lissy go trick or treating by herself sooner or later. She doesnt want her Dad to tag along with her"

Steve- "I already told her that she can go. I just hope I don't regret it.

Ding Dong

-Few minutes later-

Steve- "Girls food's here"! I yelled from the bottom of the stairs

Lissy- "We'll be right down"! I said getting off my bed and headed down with Grace behind me.



Lissy Costume

Grace Costume

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Grace Costume

Steve- "You guys look great in your customs" I said as they came downstairs

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Steve- "You guys look great in your customs" I said as they came downstairs

Lissy- "Thanks Dad" I said grabbing a slice of stuffed crust pepperoni pizza

Grace- "I'm glad that we matched Lissy" I said after grabbing one and sitting down

Lissy- "Me too" I said sitting down as well

Danny- "You guys excited"?

Grace- "Totally"

Lissy- "Of course. First time without a parent! Woooohooo"!

Steve- "Watch it Allyssa. I can easily change my mind"

 I can easily change my mind"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Lissy- "Please don't. Im sorry"

Steve- "Be careful what comes out of your mouth"

Lissy- "I will"

*After Dinner*

Steve- "Remember you can go trick or treating but be back in fourty five minutes"

Lissy- "We will"

Danny- "Phones on at all times"

Grace- "It will be"

Steve- "If we call you don't wait to answer it"

Lissy- "Yes Sir"

Danny- "Have fun"

Steve- "Be safe"

Lissy- "I will"

Grace- "Same"

Steve- "Alright then you can go now"

Lissy- "Thanks Dad. Love you"!

Steve- "Love you too munchkin. Behave and be safe"

Grace- "Bye Dad"

Danny- "Love you monkey. Be safe and I love you"

Grace- "Love you too"

Steve- "I hope I made the right decision on this"

*20 minutes later*

Steve- "Yo we have a case" I said after looking at my phone

Danny- "Should we go find the girls"?

Steve- "I don't want to ruin their evening. Ill message Lissy that we are leaving but we will be back in an hour or so"

-Car Ride-

Danny- "Where are we going"?

Steve- "North of Honolulu"

Danny- "What happened"?

Steve- "There was a party, things got of hands and someone ends up dead. Duke and Noelani is going to tell us more when we get there"

-North of Honolulu-

Steve- We get out and walked towards the house and are greeted by Duke. "What happened Duke"

Duke- "We got a noise complaint along. When my men arrived there was bunch of acholol around and with then there were underage children spotted here"

Steve- "Anything witnesses"

Duke- "No but there is something you should know"

Danny- "Him or both of us"?

Duke- I looked at Steve and said "It concerns both you"

Steve- "What"?

Danny- "What....what is happening"?

Duke- "Come with me"

Steve- "We followed Duke to the backyard and I spot someone there.

Who did he see??

Comment below who you think he saw.....

Also comment below what you guys were for Halloween this year!

Sorry for the slow updates.

I was out of town and my reception wasn't great so I wasnt able to publish but now I am!!

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