Again??? 2

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Beep Beep Beep...

Lissy- I groaned as my alarm went off. I turned it off and laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I don't want to get up today. Partly because of what happened yesterday. I also don't want to talk to my Dad about what happened either. He was beyond pissed when he saw me yesterday. I honestly wished we talked about it yesterday so I could get it over with. But no, my Dad was still too angry with me. Anyways I knew I was in for a long lecture.

Knock knock

Lissy- "Come in"!

Dad- " Morning Lissy"

Lissy- (no response) Ugghhh....why is here?

Dad- "We need to leave in 15 minutes"

Lissy- (no response) now I'm in a bad mood

Dad- " Lissy"?

Lissy- "go away" I mumbled into my pillow

Dad- "What was that"? I asked

Lissy- " Nothing," I said

Dad- "Allyssa," I said in a warning tone

Lissy- "What"! I asked in an irritating voice as I rested my head against my hand

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Lissy- "What"! I asked in an irritating voice as I rested my head against my hand

Dad- " Hey, no need for the attitude young lady," I said sternly

Dad- " Hey, no need for the attitude young lady," I said sternlyThe

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Lissy- I rolled my eyes

Dad- I cleared my throat

Lissy- "Sorry" I mumbled

Dad- "We need to leave in fifteen minutes. Please get dress and ready to go. Understand"?

Lissy- " Yeah" I mumbled softly

Dad- "And watch your attitude"

Dad- "And watch your attitude"

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