Paying The Cost (Part 3)

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Dad- "I am only going to ask you this one more time. What did you say to me"? I said in a very stern voice

 What did you say to me"? I said in a very stern voice

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Lissy- I said. This is so fucking dumb! You are being such a bitch about this whole situation! And it's not a even a huge deal" I mumbled

Dad- "How come your not talking so loud and yelling at me like you were a few minutes ago where everyone in this office could hear you"

Lissy- I shrugged my shoulders

Dad- "I want you to repeat what you had said to me"

Dad- "I want you to repeat what you had said to me"

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Lissy- "I said. This is so fucking dumb! You are being such a bitch about this whole situation! And it's not a even a huge deal" I responded

Dad- I looked at her sternly. I still couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth.

Lissy- I looked up at him and saw an angry man

Dad- "Haven't I told you multiple times not to curse"?

Dad- "Haven't I told you multiple times not to curse"?

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Lissy- "Yeah...but"

Dad- "But what Allyssa? Huh? What gave you the idea that you are allowed to curse at me"?

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