Back To My Old Ways...pt3

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*President William McKinley High School*

*President William McKinley High School*

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9:00 am-9:50 am (2nd) period

Lissy- I got to my 2nd period just in time. I sat down by the window and saw my Dads truck pulling out. During class time, I sat there debating whether or not to skip the rest of my classes. I didn't want to get into trouble anymore but again I didn't care. By the time class ended I came up with a conclusion. I began texting my friends with my plan.

Text messages...

*Group Chat*

Lissy- "Who wants to go out for lunch period"?

Matt- "Hell yeah"!

Oscar- " Sure why not"?

Addi- "I'm down"

David- "Me too. I'll drive us"

Megan- "You guys we aren't allowed to remember"?

Oscar- " What are you talking about"?

Megan- "We are sophomores, remember? Only seniors and juniors are allowed to leave campus during lunch period"

Lissy- "So? We all got the height as juniors and seniors. If we walk out with a group of them they won't notice that aren't allowed to leave"

Addi- "Come on Megan. It'll be fine. Plus we will be back before lunch period is over"

Megan- "Fine. I'm in"

Lissy- "Great"!

Oscar- "Where"?

David- " Where what"?

Oscar- "Where should we go to eat"?

Lissy- " I don't know"

David- "What do you mean you don't know"?

Lissy- "It means I don't know"

Megan- "How come"?

Lissy- " Look I just came up with the idea of us going somewhere. I didn't come up with everything"

Matt- "There is a Kamkeona food truck we get food from"

Oscar- "Where is that at"?

Addi- "He is usually parked at Ala Moana Park"

Megan-"How far is it from here"?

David- "Give me a sec ill check"

A few seconds go by

David- "It's like a 5-minute drive from here"

Steve McGarrett Daughter (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin