Rick looked down, shaking his head. "No."

"Please. It's like 10 Little Indians out there." Sasha pleaded as Rick looked up at her.  "It's just us now."

"No," Rick said once again.

"Let's talk about this. We can't just keep—" Hershel started, but Rick cut him off.

"We've been through this. With Tomas, Andrew. Look what happened."

"Axel and Oscar weren't like them," Lola added, she was standing between Lee and Kelly.

Rick looked back at her. "And where's Oscar now? I can't be responsible,"

"You turn us out, you are responsible," Tyreese told Rick.

"Rick, you've done so much for us. I appreciate that. We all do. We owe you our lives. We've done everything you asked without question. And I'm telling you, you're wrong on this. You've got to start giving people a chance." Kelly said, looking at her leader.

"Yeah," he muttered, but suddenly glanced at the rafters. His eyes widen as he saw something in the rafters.

"No, no. No, no, no, no." He started muttering. "Why are you here?" He suddenly asked, walking away from Hershel and Kelly.

He walked passed his children and group before stopping and looking up at the rafters.

"What do you want from me?"

"Dad?" Carl and Lee questioned, watching their father look at the rafters. Lee looked where his father was looking and saw nothing.

"Why are you—no." Their father mumbled, stumbling backward. Lee quickly pulled Carl out of their father's way, jumped when their father yelled.

"I can't help you! Get out!"

"Woah, Woah, whoa." Tyreese tried calming Rick down. "Get—get out!" Rick shouted again, causing Judith to start crying.

Kelly shushed, rocking her gently as the group tried talking with Rick. Maggie tries to calm Rick down, but Lee's father freaked and pulled out his gun.

Kelly quickly pulled the boys and her sister behind her and handed the youngest Grimes boy his sister. Lola quickly ran over and stood in front of her girlfriend and the kids.

"You don't belong here! Get out! Please!" Rick shouted, staring again at the rafters.

"We'll leave. We're going." Tyreese said, backing up. "Okay? Ain't nobody got to get shot here. We're going."

"What are you doing here?!" Rick shouted, walking over to the group.

Glenn hastily helped the group leave as the Grimes children's father yelled.

"Just go! Go! Go!"


"Now you said you, Lee, and Violet found Tyreese's group here?" Gleen said, pointing at the chalk drawing he's drawn.

"Yeah," Carl muttered, looking at the drawing. Lee and Violet nodding in agreement.

"We secured this," Glenn informed.

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