Chapter 16:Resolution

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"Is he really dead?" said Sythinic.

"Yeah." said Desmond and he pulled out the knife.

"Finally.." said Piper.

"Congratulations Students, you have passed." said a voice.

"W-What? Passed what?" said Sythinic.

"You have passed the Parfial Freshman Test. A test deciding if you would enter Black Wood Academy." said the voice.

"We passed? WE PASSED!" screamed Sythinic as he hugged the rest of the group.

"Exit now." said the voice as a white light blinded the students.

The students were back in their classrooms. All awake from their Nightmares. Some passed and some failed. Throughout, everyone was joyful they were alive.

"Black Wood Academy students, I am Brookshire Fullshear. The headmistress of Black Wood Academy. I would like to in form you all that all freshmen have awaken from their tests. Those who have died in their Nightmares have died in reality. Those who have conquered their Nightmares are awake and alive. Please report to dorms for any of those who would like to sleep peacefully. Those who would like to stay awake can roam around the Garden and you may socialize. Enjoy new students." said the headmistress.

The three walked out of their classrooms to meet in the heart of the Garden. Lied in the heart was an enourmas grass sculpture of Black Wood Academy's symbol. A large crow. The three met at the feet of the crow to socialize on what has happened.

"That was some test." said Sythinic.

"Either way, I am done seeing you two." said Piper.

"W-Why?" said Sythinic.

"I just joined you two because you were strong and brave enough to fight against Nightmare. And you two were the only ones alive. Except those two girls Kira and Tessa." said Piper.

"So basicly,you just used us because we were on the same level of knowledge?" said Sythinic

"Pretty much. Goodbye Monteroies." said Piper as she ran away.

"Leave her be." said Desmond.

"Desmond, you alright? You seem all weird.Did something happen in your Nightmare?" said Sythinic.

"None of it has to be of your consern." said Desmond as he walked away.

"That was some damned Nightmare." Desmond thought.

Then a girl suddenly bumped into Desmond.

"I am so sorry!" said the girl. Desmond looked up. It was Kira. He raised his knife.

"W-What's with the weapon?" said Kira.

"Don't you remember? From the Nightmare!" said Desmond.

"I don't remember anything you are talking about. All I remember is-" said Kira. "Wait, was I in your Nightmare?"

"Of course! Why would you think I would be asking you?" said Desmond.

"Oh, you must be mistaken. Everyone has their own Nightmare. No one can have the same. Its impossible." said Kira.

"W-Wait what?" said Desmond.

"I have to leave. My friend is waiting for me. Goodbye!" said Kira as she ran off.

"Everyone has their own Nightmare. What a surprise." Desmond thought.

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