Chapter 6:Nightmare

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Both Sythinic and Desmond ran to the heart of Dieu where the meeting was held.

"Is there any logic behind this Desmond?" said Sythinic.

"I don't just doesn't seem right." said Desmond.Then, follicles of the light brown hair met their eyes. The same giggle repeated. Then, they saw her face.

"Wait, um...Kira?Excuse me!" said Sythinic as he tried fight his way throughout the crowd. Giggle after giggle, they fought throughout.

"KIRA!"  yelled Sythinic. Finally she turned around and said:


Then she disappeared.

"Where the hell did she go?" said Sythinic.

"Either way..we have to annouce that note at the Heavenly Sijale Meeting." said Desmond.

Soon enough, both of them came just in time for the meeting. The entire square of the Garden was covered by a stage or chairs. The stage was a circle so that the chairs were all around. Each class had their own section. Each Council member was at the top of the stage. Each so distinguished.

"Desmond and Sythinic Monteroy? Please go to stage quietly, we need to set up the entire meeting now.." said a student.

"But um, wait!" said Sythinic when he was pushed to the stage.

"We will tell them the news during the meeting. Patience." said Desmond.

Soon enough, after about fifteen minutes, each class was separated. Soon, the meeting started.

"Welcome, students of Black Wood Academy! I am Headmistress Brookshire Fullshear. Today is the day of faith! We must rejoice! Today, you get the opportunity  of meeting the Four Leaf Council members! Now, each councilmen will get an opportunity of saying a few w-"

Then, the lights were killed.

"What is going on? I-"

The headmistress was sliced. She fell off the stage staining the floor with her blood. Everyone started to rage into a riot. Then, another victim was killed. Then another, and so forth. Black Wood Academy was in war. Each and every class-men were blinded by the darkness and was killed in silence. Each class started to fall. Then, a figure appeared. Stitched face, pale skin, grey hair, red eyes and his body covered with silk dark as a crow.Then, shadows came before the students and killed them in a instant. The figure was smile so devilish, it was sickening.

"Desmond, we have to get out of here!" said Sythinic as he tried to say over the riot.

"We have to save the councilmen first." said Desmond.

"So? They can die with everyone else!" said Sythinic.

"You you realize-"

The same giggle appeared.

"That damn girl.." said Desmond as he ran off to pin down the girl.

"Tell me your name, and what your doing here." said Desmond as he was holding a knife to her throat.

"I told you before..Its Kira. And what I'm doing here is to see this all happen." said Kira.

"What?" said Desmond. Then she sank into the shadows.

"We have to go after that girl! She is the reason why everyone is dieing!" said Desmond.

Black Wood AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora