Chapter 4:Friends

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The cousins finally exit the tunnel and into the campus grounds of Black Wood Academy onto a garden full of new comers. Then suddenly, a white figure was light blue hair and eyes appeared.

"Hello students. If you can't tell, we are at the heart of Black Wood Academy in the Garden of Dieu. Or the Garden of God. Here you are safe from assassination, and in the offices which are in the North. But, in the Game Courts where are located at the west you can die. Also in Classes and in your dorms. If you dare try to kill in are going to die from one of the Highland Officials." said the figure.

"I am the Head Mistress. My name is Brookshire Fullshear. And today, I shall show you the entire academy." said the Headmistress

"This place is amazing.." said Sythinic. "W-Who the hell are you?"

"Cousin..its me Desmond." said Desmond.

" look so weird.." said Sythinic. Desmond began to wonder and looked at his reflection in a pond. He was taller. Much more pale. His hair was darker and more grim. He had brighter red eyes. And he had a mask with teeh.

"Must have been  that tunnel." said Desmond with his darker voice.

"Damn right." said Sythinic. "Do I look different?"

"Not really..except the fact that you are taller than me." said Desmond.

"Ha, you jealous?" said Sythinic.

"Not lets get on with the group." said Desmond.

The entire academy was enormous. North the Offices. East the Classes. South the Dorms and West the Game Courts. And in the middle was the Garden of Dieu. Covering the Garden was a force field strong enough to withstand anything.

First the newcomers went to the South to get their dorms. The dormitory was one of the largest buildings throughout the academy. It was mostly made of white pillars with gold lining. The floor crystal white. And the halls were fresh.

Then the newcomers went to the East foreseeing their classes. Everyone was separated among their class. All classes had a different hallway. No outsiders were accepted. Only the students of the class could enter. All hallways were different. All classes had to wear a uniform prier to their class. And which not every hallway could be classified.

Next they entered the North Wing. All offices were polished so fine it was spotless. Each class had an official Highland Official representative or a member of the Four Leaf Council . Each councilmen had their own office to study and collect in.

Finally was the West Wing. The wing that was the most terrifying. The place were students had a place to kill. The game courts is a duel of one class-men against another class-men. The game courts was defined as a battle royal inside one entire place. There were twenty-one game courts. Each representing a class. Each had advantages. For the Assassin Class, the game court is placed in the forest.  For the Archer Class, the game is court is placed on a flat land. And so on. Even though the game courts had advantages, they also had disadvantages. The amount of time inside of each game court is eighteen hours. If there isn't a victor, then both of the challengers die within the court.

At the very end of the day. All the newcommers were sent to their dorms.

"Damn..what a tiring day..." said Sythinic.

"Shut up Sythinic. Unless you want one of the Highland Officials to hear you." said Desmond.

"Whatever. What dorm did we get?" said Sythinic.

"Dorm number 5G30 in the western part of the dormitory." said Desmond.

"Damn..lets get going.." said Sythinic while dragging his feet.In the 30th floor, a girl appeared. She looked so innocent holding her teddy bear. Her hair light brown. Short and sweet.

"Onii-san...onii-san....onii-san.." chanted the girl.

"Um..are you looking for your brother?" said Sythinic.

"Onii-san.." she chanted even more.

"Stay back Sythinic." said Desmond.

"Wha- why?She needs to find her brother..right?" said Sythinic.

"Onii-san.." even more she chanted.

"Stay back..can't you tell she's not on our side.." said Desmond.

"But she's so innocent-" suddenly, a knife was near Sythinic's throat, ready slice.

But in time, Desmond grabed the knife and hit the girl to the ground.

"Who-who the hell are you?" said Sythinic while trying to grasp on what happened.

The girl just giggled.

"Kira...Kira Keitaro.I am First Chair Bender. Eighteen years old. And I am set out on killing someone." said Kira.

"Who?" said Sythinic.

She quietly said


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