💞Exclusive Chapter💞

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This chapter was made thanks to Nicia_Rose for giving me the idea to write this! You should definitely follow her! Alright, now let's begin!


Amy's POV:

I woke up out of my new bed and my new room! Yep! That's right! I have my own room now! It is soo exciting!!

Well, we all ended up building houses so that way Tails, Knuckles, Sonic, and Shadow could have their own homes! It did take a while, but we all eventually got finished and everything was fine!

Gosh, I can't believe the Eggman incident happened 2 months ago...it feels like it was yesterday when I met Sonic for the first time...

Wow, time sure does fly by pretty fast! But enough talking, I really want to see and visit people!

After I got dressed and headed downstairs, so I could visit some of my friends! I saw my mom was in the kitchen and my dad was in the living room watching.

"Mom, I am going to go and visit some of my friends!"

"Okay! Be careful. I love you!"

"I love you to!"

It felt so amazing to just not worry about anything and just think about all of the good times there are!

I started to just walk around and wave and smile at people I walked by. While walking around, I saw Knuckles and Silver in front of me, so I decided to go say hi to the two of them.

"Hey Knuckles! Hey Silver!"

They both looked over to me and starting waving at me with a great smile!

"Hey Amy! Good morning to you!" Silver said waving.

"Good morning Silver! Good morning to you as well Knuckles!"

Knuckles looked up at me and waved, then he looked back down and wrote something on his clipboard.

"What is Knuckles doing?" I asked Silver since I was confused.

"Oh don't mind him. He got this job as a bank person and he has to always have the exact count of money each person with a bank account has. I told him he would quit in like a week, but he didn't listen."

"That is because I will not quit! I can handle this!"

"Uh huh...sure pal..But anyway! Tails wants the whole gang to go to Sonic's house at 7pm tonight! I think he said it was for a movie night..I am pretty sure he did. But yeah, don't forget!"

"Okay. That sounds super fun! I won't forget, trust me. See you two later! Bye!" I said as I started walking off.

As I continued walking, I stopped and looked next to me to see a coffee shop. Since I had not a lot to do until it is 7pm, so I should might as well get a coffee.

I walked inside and went to the cashier so I could take my order.

"Hello! What would you like to drink?"

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