Chapter 4

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Amy's POV:

The yellow fox came back with the medicine kit. It was very nice of him to do that even though it was only a few cuts.

"Thank you, uh..."

"My name is Tails! It's okay if you forgot! And the red Echidna is Knuckles!" Tails said as Knuckles waved.

"So Amy." Knuckles began to say. "You said a guy attacked your village? What did he look like?"

Before I could describe him, Sonic interrupted me. "It was Eggman. She told me his description of him. But I don't know why Eggman would attack an innocent village."

"Uh, who is..Eggman?"

After they realized they never told me who "Eggman" was, Sonic decided to explain it to me.

"His name is Doctor Eggman, not so much of a doctor..but anyway! He is this villain we have been fighting for awhile. He always tries to ruin the world in any way he can. He even once tried taking 7 chaos emeralds from us. And a chaos emerald are these really powerful emeralds. But of course I always stop him from doing what he does!"

"WE stop him." Knuckles and Tails glared at him.

"Oh yeah, y'all do to."

I got up and started panicking to them about my village. I still still needed to check on it!

"But what about my village? Can we go and see if any one is still alive! What if my parents are still alive looking for me! What about my friends!!"

Sonic put his hands on my shoulders and sat me back down, trying to calm me down.

"Don't worry! Later tonight, we will all go and see if everybody is alright, for now, calm down and don't worry about it, okay Ames?"

"Ames?" Me, Knuckles, and Tails looked at him confused.

"Oh, uh, it is just a nickname I came up for her! Heh.." he said scratching the back of his head.

Huh, that is a weird nickname....Ames.....but it is pretty unique and clever!

"But Sonic, where am I suppose to live? Since my village know...destroyed....."

"Knuckles's place. He has an extra room he doesn't use."

"Yeah. You can stay at my place."

"Ok! Cool. Thank you guys!

Then someone came inside the house.

He was a black and red hedgehog with red eyes, he kind of looked like sonic, but different colors. But then again, they don't look completely the same.

"Uh...Shadow?" Sonic said confused.


"What are you doing here? You usually never come here until we tell you to."

"Am I not allowed to come here faker? And besides, I just saw-" Then he stopped and looked at me.

"Uh, who is that pink girl hedgehog? Are y'all torturing her?"

Why did he call Sonic faker? Should he know his name since they are friends?

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles rolled their eyes.

"Well, Shadow, the name is Sonic, not faker. And we are not torturing her. I found her in the woods. Her name is Amy Rose. But call her Amy."

"I call you faker whenever I feel like it. And why were you in the woods Rose?"

"The name is Amy! Not Rose!"

"I can call you Rose if I want to call you Rose."

Man, that guy is annoying!

"Anyway. As I was saying before. I came to inform you guys that Doctor Eggman just destroyed a village near by called Mobius Village. I can't see why though."

I got up super fast and ran to him and asked, "Did they show any survivors left!?!"

He pushed me away, then he answered. " did not. I don't see why you would care Rose."

Sonic came to my defense and explained why I needed to know.

"Amy lived in that Village. Once Eggman started attacking, she ran away into the forest. That is how I found her. We were going to go tonight to see if there were any survivors left. Wanna come?"

"Tsk. I have nothing better to do, so alright."

"Great! So it is settled then!"

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