Chapter 2

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Amy's POV:


My friends and I were so confused why there was a loud bang that made people so scared! What in the world was going on?!? Nothing like this has ever happened!

So many people were running past us, but we just stood there, looking for what people were running away from.

But then we saw a robot attacking the village! There was someone on a flying thing, he had a long mustache, with goggles on. He kept yelling, "Yes!! RUIN THIS WHOLE VILLAGE!!"

The robot picked up shop markets and threw them, it tried grabbing people, who was this guy? Why did he want to ruin the village?!

He looked so evil...the robot wouldn't stop! It kept smashing houses people lived in, markets people shopped in...

"Guys! What do we do?!" I yelled, the robot was so loud from picking up houses and throwing them.

"RUN!!" They shouted while running.

I started to run with them, when I remembered something......MY PARENTS!! I NEED TO GO GET THEM!!

I ran to where my house was, but that was were the robot was as well. I tried running as fast as I could away from the robot, so I wouldn't get hurt.

I got to my house.....and it was smashed.....

"MOM!!! DAD!!!"

I went through the house, glass pieces were cutting my legs, but I needed to find my parents!! I needed to see if they were under all of this!!

I looked around, and I couldn't find them....I could hear the screams of people, I could hear the robot coming towards me.

I looked around to see if there were any places to hide, I live near a forest, without thinking, I ran inside the forest, away from my village, away from the people I love...

I was running so fast, I didn't want to look back, I couldn't see my village would break me.....

I cried, crying made my eyes so blurry, I tried wiping them off while still running, but I bumped into something and fell down.

"Ow!" I said and looked up to see what I ran into.

A blue hedgehog looked down at me....

Sonic's POV:

I was running to see what all the yelling was about in the distance. Then I saw someone running right at me, and I bumped into them.


I looked down, and I see a pink hedgehog rubbing her head. She looked kind of lost.

"I am so sorry!" I said apologizing. I held out my hand for her to take so I can pull her back up off the ground.

She looked up at me, she had beautiful emerald green eyes.....but it looked like she was crying.

She took my hand and got up, apologizing for running into me.

"No need to apologize, I am the one that ran into you!"

She looked at me with a little smile on her face.

"Well, it was nice to meet you! I gotta go that way now!" I told the girl pointing behind her.

She grabbed me and said "Don't go that way!!"

I was confused? Why did she care if I went that way?

"Uh, why can I not?"

She looked down, a little devastated. "There is a man with a robot attack the village I lived in..."

Dr. Eggman....I should have known...

"But please don't go over there!!" She pleaded.

I saw how scared she was...but it was Eggman!! At the same time, it looked like she needed a home since she was running away from the village.

"Uh...why don't you come with me?" I told her.

She looked at me with a weird look. "How do I know I could trust you? I don't know your name!"

"Mine name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog!"

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