Chapter 20

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SPECIAL CHAPTER TIME! Basically if you are new, while walking to the village, this chapter will show everyone's POV! (Warning LONG chapter!) Enjoy! Rice out!♡


Silver's POV:

Ugh, I still can't believe we are going to the village. It is probably going to be just a waste of our time going there. And even if Eggman is there, why would he want all of us to go? And why would he want to battle out of no where?

I mean, sure we are going so we can save Shadow and other people. But what if Shadow is just somewhere else out?

If Eggman IS there, at least we can defeat him. What did Amy say he was doing again...? Brainwashing people?

I am pretty sure that was just to scare us. Pfft. Like he would do that!

If Eggman does attack us, good thing I have learned to control my powers! All thanks to Blaze! I am ready!

Woah, I have never felt so confident in my life! It is funny to think I was a loner before..

Well...I never told anyone this, but my parents are now dead...yeah...I witnessed my parents death...

Actually, the only person I did tell was Blaze, I trust her more than anyone here...

Blaze's POV:

It has been such a long time since I have interacted with different people. The only people I did interact with were my friends. I didn't grow up with parents, so I basically lived on my own.

But anyway, I still don't know if Eggman will be there. I trust Rouge, and if she says he will be there, then I am with her.

I wonder what Eggman has done in the past. The only thing I was told is that he tried taking 7 chaos emeralds. I wonder what they look like....

They seem super powerful, but where did Sonic and Tails put them if they have them?

Could they stop Eggman from destroying more villages?

Well it doesn't matter I guess. If they want to tell us, they will tell us..

But anyway, I am actually glad I got along with everyone, especially Silver. Sure he may seem rough, but he is actually sweet.

Rouge's POV:

This Eggman dude is insane. It seems like he is always looking for a time to attack, is he that desperate to always lose? Cause it sure seems like it!

I am glad we are going to the village though, because maybe Eggman did capture Shadow! Sure Shadow seems like the type to always be alone and not wanting to talk to people, but I am sure he would tell us if he was going somewhere!

And what is it with Eggman wanting to be evil? Couldn't he try and be a good guy? I am sure it isn't that hard to do the good in things. And why are him and Sonic enemies?

None of this makes sense to me, but it is fine I guess. As long as we stop Eggman from doing what he is doing right now, then everything will be good.

Wow, I never realized how much I hated Eggman, he did destroy where I lived after all, so he deserves all of the pain in the world!! I don't care how much he pleases for us to not attack him, I am definitely not listening!!!

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