Chapter 6

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Amy's POV:

We started to walk through the woods to the village. I don't know if it will hurt me to see my village all torn apart, I can stay strong!

I didn't realize how far away the village actually is, running made it seem like it was so close, but when you walk, it feels like it takes hours! I'm probably just being over dramatic.

Also, walking in the woods is something I do NOT reccomend! It is scary! Ugh... I need to grow up and stop being scared of the dark...

I felt someone's arm wrap around my shoulders, and it was Sonic! He whispered to me, "Everything will be okay." And then walked back to the front.

That was weird.....

Just looking around while looking gave me shivers down my spine. It felt like the trees were moving on their own. Well....technically they were, but the wind was making the branches move.

"Alright, we're here." Sonic said stopping while looking at the village.

It was destroyed......all of it is gone.......the stores are are smashed....

I tried holding back my tears so I wouldn't seem like a baby to them.

"Well, let's all split up and look to see if there are any survivors left. Meet back here if you find anybody or if you give up looking."

We all nodded to Sonic's request and went different ways to look for any body left. I went over to Vector's Candy Store, since I saw him last there, if he didn't run away, he should still be there.

I sped walked over and when I got there, there was broken glass with candy spilling out everywhere, his sign that spelled Vector was broken in half.

Why would someone do this? Or...why would Eggman do this...

I walked over the glass parts to avoid them, and started to push peices of the stores walls out of the way. The pieces weren't that heavy, which worried me because that means it must have been easy to break the walls off.

I was still trying to move parts off the ground when I stepped on something hard. It didn't hurt, it just happened so suddenly.

I looked down and saw a golden chain necklace. But it wasn't just any golden chain necklace, it was Vectors....did he drop it while running? Or did he.....


I did not want to think about Vectors death any more, but I put the necklace around me in case if I ever find him, I will be able to give it to him.

I continued to look around to see if I could find Vector, or anybody else underneath the pieces of the walls. But then I saw something moving under all the mess.

I slowly walked over to where it was coming from, still avoiding any sharp parts that could hurt me. I got right next to the spot and looked at the thing move. It was it wasn't a pet that got lost.

"Hey...are you okay?" I said as I lifted up all of the broken pieces off of them. I saw a really light grey ish hedgehog sitting down, shivering.

"Uh..hey! okay?"

He looked up at me, he seemed kind of happy to finally see someone.

"O-oh! Yeah! I'm fine!"

I helped him off the ground and moved wall pieces out of his way so get can stretch out his legs.

"Who are you? Did you live in this village?"

"Actually, yeah! I did! My name is Silver, and I remember seeing you always walk around the village!"

"Really? Wow! Well, my name is Amy, follow me, I know where I can take you!"

Silver nodded and followed me back to where the guys and I were before we went to look for people.

I came over to see Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, they were probably waiting for me and Shadow.

"Hey look! Amy is back!" Tails told Sonic and Knuckles.

"Hey Ames! Glad to see you!"

"Glad to see you to Sonic."

Knuckles sighed and said, "Well at least you found someone, have you seen Shadow? I figured he would be the first one here!"

As I was about to answer, I heard footsteps behind me.

It was Shadow! But it wasn't only him...

He found Rouge and Blaze!!


Hey guys! Rice here! I apologize for late updates! I have been spending time with family, and my birthday is also coming! I hope you enjoyed this really long chapter! Hehe!

Rice out! ♡

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