Chapter 17

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Tails's POV:

The birds were chirping early in the morning, it was so loud! But at least I would not have slept in until 10 PM like last time, I don't want to lose hours that I could have used to make machines!

Ingot up out of bed and took a hot shower, then I went down my stairs and ate my breakfast which was Pancakes and Scrambled Eggs with a cup of milk! Yum!

While I was eating, I was watching some of the news on my TV in my living room. My kitchen seats were in a place where I would be able to see the living room TV!

There was nothing too special, just some boring news about politics and stuff.

I was about to turn it off when it transitioned to a new topic, it was about people missing!

"We interrupt the message to tell everyone about people going missing. They have been going missing quite some time now, and we need your help to find them. We have found this footprint in a village called Mobius Village. It seems to look like a robots foot, not a person's foot."

I turned off the TV and quickly ran over to Sonic's place to tell him what I just heard! The only person we know who has giant robots is none other then Eggman himself!

Sonic has got to hear about this! Maybe we will be able to stop Eggman from his plans!!

Sonic's POV:

Knock Knock Knock!

"Huh? Wha..? Who could that be?"

I got up from my bed and started walking down stairs to the door, why would someone be up so early? Come on..I was trying to sleep!

I opened the door and saw Tails jumping up and down repeatedly.

"Sonic! Sonic! Sonic!!"

'Tails....what are you doing up soo early...?"

"Sonic, it is 8 AM."

"And your point is?"

"Never mind about the time! Can I come inside? I have something really important to tell you!!"

"Sure, fine..come on in."

Tails came inside really jumpy while I closed the door and turned to face him.

"Alright Tails, what do you need to tell me?" I asked him fully awake now.

"I was watching the news this morning, and they mentioned people going missing!! AND they also found a robots footprint in Mobius Village! And we only know one person who owns giant robots!!"

"Eggman! That little rotten egg! Did the news say anything else at all?"

Tails nodded his head no, but continued jumping up and down.

I calmed him down for him to stop jumping, then I started to think.

"What if we go and investigate the village? At around lunch time. That way it won't be so dark, yet at the same time, it won't be so bright, how does that sound?"

"That sounds great! I can't wait to go and check it out!! Maybe I can study the footprint, that way we will be able to know what time it got there!"

"You're right buddy! Great thinking!!"

A few seconds later, I heard another knock on my door.

I opened my door, and saw Rouge standing there with her arms crossed.

"Oh hey Rouge! What's up?"

"Let me in right now!"


Rouge stomped inside and held up an envelope.

"Can you explain what this is? I found on the ground while I was walking around to see where Amy was! It said it is from Eggman!"

Tails and I looked at each other in shocked, "Eggman!?"

"Yes Eggman! The dude who ruined the village I lived in with Cream, Blaze, Amy, and Silver! Do you know what is even inside this letter?!"

"No! Why do you think Tails or I would know!"

"It seems like it would have been directed towards one of you two since Eggman targets you and your little buddy more!"

"Okay, okay Rouge, give me the letter and I will read it."

"Here." Rouge said giving Tails the letter.

Tails opened the envelope and unfolded the paper inside, and started to read,

"Come to the village if you REALLY want to see me! Bring all of your friends to! Might as well you all try and stop me! HAHAHA!!"

Don't Go Back! (Sonamy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن