Chapter 18

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Shadow's POV:

Eggman has been coming in and out of this room I am in with a women named Vanilla, he has just been grabbing material and then leaving. Wouldn't it just be easier if he told me what he was planning?

Whatever. Vanilla and I haven't really made any conversation, the only time we did was when we introduced ourselves to each other. She said she had a daughter who lived in Mobius Village, but who could her daughter be? Could it be Rose? Well that doesn't make sense since her and Vanilla look nothing alike.

Well, if I am going to stay here forever, I might as well make some more conversation with my roommate.

"So, Vanilla, how long have you been here? I know I have been here after you, but still."

"Well, I guess I don't get to see the sun or moon when you are in stuck here."

"We will get out of here soon, I am sure of it. Egghead can't keep us here forever."

"Well, we are not the only ones captured, he has captured other people ad well. I do not know where they are.."

"Dang it... if only if I had a blasting chaos emerald with me, I will be able to get out of here!"

"Shadow, where did you come from?"

I looked at her for awhile, then looked down again, just thinking about who I am, where I came from, and what my purpose was....

"I was made by a professor, and I was made into an immortal. I had a friend as well, her name was Maria...but...she died in front of my own eyes...I made a promise to her that I would keep the world safe from danger from people like Eggman."

"Oh Shadow, I am so sorry. I didn't realize you came from such a dark backstory."

"It's fine. But what about your daughter? What was her name?"

"Her name was Cream, she was the sweetest little angel I could ever have asked for."

"Wait a minute, did you say Cream?"

"Yeah, why may you ask?"

"I know someone back where I lived, her name is Rose, or Amy, her and someone else were going to go to the Mobius Village to get her because we heard she was there."

"Oh! I know exactly who you are talking about! Amy is Creams bestest friend! They always played together! I am so glad that she was able to save her!"

" you think they know that we are here?"

"Don't worry Shadow, I am sure they will try and look for us!"

Maybe Vanilla could be right. Tsk. Faker sure is slow even though he is "the fastest hedgehog.".

After a little while, Eggman came back inside the room, but he had two weird hats he was carrying.

"What do you want Eggman..."

"I need both of you to put these on. Right now!"

"Oh, and why should I? I am not going to listen to what you say."

"Oh, you will. I already sucked all your powers off of you. Now put these on now!"

Eggman handed Vanilla the hat, and she put it on top of her head through her ears.

"Just do it Shadow."

I gave eggman a weird look as he held the hat out for me to grab.

"What will happen if I do put it on?"

"Stop being so stubborn and put it on!!"

"Whatever." I grabbed the hat from him and put it on, nothing happened.

"Now, you will listen to what I have to say." Eggman said as he got a remote out and pushed a button.

Vanilla and I started getting shocked!! WHAT THE HECK WAS HAPPENING!?!?

Before I blacked out, the last things I heard from Eggman was...

"You will get your powers back, but they will be under my control..."

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