Chapter 19

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Amy's POV:

I woke up to a really loud knocking on my door. I yawned and stretched my arms and legs, got up, and went to see who was knocking on my room door early in the morning. Cream was still sleeping, but she started to wake up as she also heard the knock as well.

I opened the door and saw Knuckles waiting.

"Oh hey Knuckles! Good morning, why are you up in the morning knocking on my door?"

"Sonic wants all of us to meet him and Tails at his house. Go ahead and get dressed and meet us there. Don't be late."

Knuckles walked down stairs as I heard the front door open and then close.

"Who was that Amy?"

"It was Knuckles, he said Sonic wants us to meet him and Tails at his house."

"But why?"

"I don't know. But I guess we should get dressed and head out. Knuckles doesn't want us being late."


After me and Cream got dressed, we went downstairs and headed out the door to Sonic's place.

"Amy, what do you think this is all about?"

"Maybe about normal stuff. I don't know."

"Mr. Sonic seems really nice! He is always super heroic and confident!"

"Yeah...he sure is..."

"Can I ask you something Amy? In all honesty?"

"Sure! What is it Cream?"

"Is there something between you and Mr. Sonic?"

I stopped and looked at Cream as she looked back at me.

"W-WHAT? N-N-NO! I mean, me and him are friends! And we work well together...! And uh....Never mind, let's just keep walking."


Walking there, I kept hearing Cream whisper, "Sonic and Amy, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Oh gosh, please let this end.

Sonic's POV:

Everyone was sitting on my couch except for Tails and I which we were standing up. Well, everybody was here except for Amy, Cream and Shadow.

"Knuckles, when will they get here?"

"I already told you they are on their way."

After Knuckles said that, Amy and Cream walked in.

"Hello everyone! I apologize it took Cream and I awhile."

"It's fine!" Tails said, "Go ahead and take a seat!"

Amy and Cream took a seat next to Knuckles, and we began discussing the letter we got.

"Alright! Sonic, would you like to start this off?"

"Gladly! We have called you all here because Rouge has found something that suprised all of us. It is this letter, and not just any letter. A letter from Eggman!"

Everybody looked at it really closely.

"Well what did it say!" Blaze asked.

"It said that we should all go to the village, which Eggman will be there. So are y'all all ready to go?"

"Wait just a second!" Silver said getting up.

"How do we know that even came from Eggman? How do we know this is not a trick to waste our time walking their?"

"Silver, I am pretty sure it is Eggman."

"I don't know Sonic." Blaze said, "Silver has a point. You never know if Eggman did write that note! Even if he did, why would he want all of us there?"

"Hun, this is obviously from Eggman, it shows that he wants to battle us!" Rouge said.

"Exactly! Tails and I also think it is from Eggman! So we should go and visit the village already!"

"Whatever it is, I want to go and beat up Eggman!" Knuckles stood up in a fighting position.

"Also hun, what if Eggman captured Shadow? We haven't seen him forever haven't we?"

Everyone thought about it. Tails and I also did. What if Shadow was captured by Eggman? Shadow is too strong for that though. Shouldn't he already beaten Eggman already? Maybe Eggman also took other people as well.

I looked up at everyone, and said, "Okay everyone, get ready, we are going to save Shadow!"

Don't Go Back! (Sonamy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora