Chapter 22

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Amy's POV:


My whole eyesight was a blur, my head felt super dizzy, I couldn't see anything, or feel anything....I felt numb.....what was going on...?!?!

My vision was starting to get a little back to normal....but I looked around, with my eyes still a little blurry, and I saw my friends on the floor with me...were in this big room, there were these square things with a blanket over it...

Nobody was getting up...except Sonic...


"Amy, where..are we?"

"I don't know.." I told him, regaining all of my vision back. I was able to stand up, so I did, and I walked over to Sonic and helped him up as well. After that, everyone else started wake up and try stan up while keeping their balance.

We all looked around in place while trying to remember what happened before we got here. I couldn't really remember much..I started to remember, until I heard Knuckles saying,

"We are in Eggmans Lair!!"

Wait, I remember now! And I can tell everyone else did to!

"Woah...this is oddly weird.." I said looking at everyone.

"Okay, I know we are at Eggmans lair, but where is it located?" Tails asked.

He's right, where is Eggmans lair located at?

"Hey everyone," Cream said, "There is a window right here!"

Sonic walked over to where Cream was at and looked out the window. "It looks like we are in the forest.."

"You know your way around Mr. Sonic, don't you? You will be able to find our way back home!"

"Don't worry Cream, we will return home as soon as we deal with Eggman and what he is doing!"

"Hello friends! I see that you have woken up eh?"

We all turned to where the voice came from..Eggman!! We were all ready to fight him!

"Egghead! What did you do to us?" Sonic yelled at him.

"Well, after you all destroyed my robot, I blasted all of y'all with a laser that put you into a sleep, then I look y'all to my lair! And now we are here, ready to battle!"

"Give it up Dr. Eggman! We will always defeat your robots!!" Cream said flying with her ears, and Tails started flying with his twin-tails.

"Oh, I'm not fighting with robots little rabbit..."

Eggman snapped his fingers, and a loud thud came hitting onto the ground..

"Oh my gosh.." I said.....I couldn't analyze what we were all couldn't be...should we really be this shocked..?


His eyes were not normal....they were white......he looked angry.....and he seemed so unusual....

"Shads?! What did Egghead do to you?" Sonic said coming over to him.

But when he did, Shadows punched Sonic in the stomach super hard with a lot of power, that he flew into a wall, leaving a big dent and leaving Sonic hurt!

"Sonic!! Are you okay?!" I ran over to him trying to help him up off the ground.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Shadow why did you do that!?!"

"Well you see here Sonic, Shadow is on my side of this battle! But I'm not done yet!"  Eggman said as he snapped his fingers once again, making us head another loud thud come from up high, to the ground.

I walked a little closer to see who it was...and..

"Oh my gosh...." Blaze, Cream, Silver, Rouge, and I KNEW who that was.....

Cream yelled out in so much fear, and anger......


Cream's mom had white eyes!! Exactly like Shadow!!! She also looked mad....and powerful...

She took out a laser out of behind her and tried blasting us all with it! Everyone ducked after she blasted us, leaving no one harmed.

Eggman snapped his fingers more times, and 20 people came down from above onto the ground, they had white eyes as well.....

But there were two people.....that stood out...

"Oh Amy!! Would you like to see who these people are?" Eggman said pointing at two people...

"Amy......" Sonic said putting his hand on my shoulder, "Are.....those your......?"

I yelled out in anger, fear, sadness, rage, anxiety.........

"MOTHER!!!!! FATHER!!!!!!!!"

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