32. semi-charmed life

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Friday November 14th

The school week had finished and my brain was fried. All my teachers decided they wanted to have tests, quizzes, or projects. Some even had multiple. So once the bell rang on Friday and I had managed to make it home in one piece, I practically crawled on the stairs and fell on the floor.

I don't know how long it had been. Probably an hour, but my face was numb from being smashed into the carpet for so long. I might have fallen asleep, I'm not sure. But I do know that someone was walking into my room because the floorboards were creaking.

"Jess?" As soon as my name was spoken I knew who it was. Only one person calls me Jess, and I had gotten so used to his voice that I could identify it in my sleep.

"Hmm?" My face was so numb at this point that I was comfortable.

I can hear him chuckling. And like that I was awake. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing much." I turn my head the opposite way so I could see him. I'm sure I had indentations from the carpet all over the side of my face. "Why do you ask?"

"Well Shan let me in, and I was going to ask if you wanted to go on an adventure with me," the floor creak as he steps closer, making eye contact, "but if you're too busy..."

I flip him off, which only causes him to smile. He reaches a hand down, telling me to stand up and follow him. "What's in it for me?"

If I was going to get up from my very comfortable position than I needed something to fight for. "I'll get you McDonald's."

Slowly, and groggily, I sit up, grabbing onto his extended hand, and with little help from him I stand up. He was probably just afraid that he was going to cause me to lose my balance like he had before at school, but I was practically just a blob right now. The help would have been nice.

"Do I need to bring anything?"

I watch as Cade narrows his eyebrows in thought, "just you."

Grabbing my phone and wallet I don't waste time in following him. I hadn't even taken my shoes off from when I got home so I was ready to leave in less than a minute.

Shan is in the kitchen when we make it down the stairs, making some sort of sandwich. "Where are you kids going?"

"It's a surprise." Cade answers, smiling.

I make sure to make eye contact with Shan when I speak. "If I turn up missing, he's your number one person of interest, and my Life360 is on." I wasn't going to get kidnapped without my phone.

Shan winks at me and gives a thumbs up. "Have fun!"

I look at the clock on the oven to see how long I had actually been lying limp on my bedroom floor, and seeing as it's 4:30pm, it had been almost two hours. Cade moves so that I can get out the door before him and he closes it behind him.

His white Jeep sits in the driveway, I don't waste time in getting into the passenger seat. Where could he possibly be taking me? Our town was tiny, there was nothing to do.

He gets in the drivers seat without a word, quickly putting the car into reverse and starting the drive to wherever he had planned. He hands me his phone, "play whatever." Does he realize how hard that is.

"Well what kind of vibe. Because I will play Big Time Rush if you don't give me some directive."

"I really don't care, if that's what your heart is telling you, than do it."

I don't think he realizes what he got himself into.

I find my Big Time Rush playlist on Spotify, press shuffle, sit back, and relax.

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