7. handcuffs and halftime

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Friday September 13th

Once Shan and Cade had gotten me to the office I was escorted to the sick room with the lights off to let me rest. Both of them had insisted on staying but Cade got kicked out and Shan left once Aisha got there to pick up my body.

And when I told Aisha and Jim what happened I was informed that Jim knew Nates dad. He knew him enough that they had roomed together in college and that I reminded him that they should catch up.

After Wednesday's incidents I was allowed to stay home Thursday. Which is kind of sad because I missed pajama day, but I guess I got one anyway, which made Brax very happy.

But now it was the dreadful Friday.

To make it even more dreadful, Jim was here to talk during the practical law classes seeing as now he's a cop.

So here I am sitting at my table, mentally crying because I'm not prepared for what's going to happen today. The only thing keeping me semi positive is that Mr. Dixon was clad in a clown suit with our school colors.

One minute until the bell rings. Ryan and Cade made their way to our table. Oh how I wish I sat somewhere else. They both gave me looks of concern, probably because after they almost split my head open I went missing for a day and a half. But the bell rang and soon Dixon was clearing his throat. "Today's going to be a bit different. We have a guest, let's all welcome Officer Tanaka." A slow clap was given and Jim walked to the front of the room, where he came from? I don't know.

Most of the stuff he said I blocked out since I had gotten so many in depth talks about his work that I could say exactly what he was saying right now.

Only when he pulled out handcuffs was when people got interested. Kinky bastards.

"Let's have a volunteer to come up and try them on." Jim had made me well aware that if no one volunteers that I'm chosen by default. And no one was moving an arm.


That's what I felt. "Bri, raise your hand." The look she gave me told me that I was out of my mind. "Please just do it." She gave me the look and I knew she was a lost cause. "Guys please. Just raise your hand!" Ryan and Cade gave me the same look. Oh please no. Someone help.

"Well I guess it's time for me to chose. Jesse come on up." The glare I gave him caused Dixon to smile and for my tablemates to realize why I was freaking out.

I got up, slowly taking my time to the front. Jim explained why handcuffs go behind your back and everything else with them. That's when he grabbed my arms and I knew it wasn't going to be good.

The metal tightened around my wrists, already cutting into the skin. "A little tight?" Jim smiled.

"That's the point isn't it." He wasn't happy with my level of enthusiasm. And from there he explained the tactics of using handcuffs.

Then he asked the question, "does anyone know how to get out of handcuffs?" When is this going to be over. "Has anyone ever been handcuffed before?" Please, Jim, stop.

Ryan smiled and raised his hand.

"Legal reasons or for fun?" Jim you don't even know what you're getting yourself into.

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