33. sorry

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Friday November 14th

I had typed in the address of the park into my phone to see if there was a faster route, which luckily there was. Cade has to go down this sketchy road to get to the expressway, but we got there in the end with the help of Siri and a lot of freaking out.

Most of the car ride was spent by listening to songs that were upbeat with a sad story just to tick Cade off a little bit more.

It only took us about fourth five minutes, which considering it's the opposite direction of the drive in from my house was pretty good. However Cade hasn't realized exactly where I was leading him until we passed a statue of a man made out of pop tabs. It was weird, but years ago the art program had made a  fundraiser out of it.

"The park is in Kensington?" Although Cade tries to come off as nonchalant, he grips the steering wheel with both hands and slows down.

"Don't worry, the only people you'll see are five year olds that are more concerned about their game of tag than yelling at you because you're from the rival school."

I try to be light hearted but Cade either doesn't understand or doesn't care. By the time we actually pull into the parking lot the tension had started to strangle me.

Cade had some reason to be concerned though. Because if we did in fact run into high schoolers, especially those on the football team, we would be dead. After I had moved, Kensington had disowned me as their own. I'm sure they talked bad about me, obviously made up rumors. It took a while for me to be excepted by my new school as well. But Kensington didn't play around, if you didn't fit in, you were booted.

As soon as you crossed the town line, it was easy to tell you were in Kensington. The town tried their very best to look high end. All the grass was mowed at the exact same height, flower beds were in bloom even when it was cold, there was no cheap stores. Even the gas stations were sparkling clean.

It was proven that if you're driving a car that's older than four years that your three times as likely to get a ticket.

Definitely don't miss this place.

The park in question was just outside of downtown, but once you were over the age of eight it was committing social suicide to be seen here.

"Do you want to inform me on why I'm subjecting myself to this?" Cade listened to the GPS, pulling into the lot and parking between a brand new Land Rover and Porsche.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Come on." I meet Cade on the other side of the car and starting walking towards the entrance. You can't see from the road since there's hedges surrounding the park, but this is the one spot in town that they don't care about.

Cade follows me through the over hang and almost immediately stops in his tracks.

"I'm so confused." I can't help but to watch his face as he looks around. He must be able to see my watching though because his eyes meet mine and a small smile makes its way to my face.

"If it's not visible from the road, people don't care how nice it looks." The park hadn't been up kept in years. A local probably mows the lawn every week, but the equipment had been the same since I was little and there was rust that was waiting for a lawsuit. "Really only the lower income families come here, which makes it easily the most welcoming place around."

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