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A/N: before we start, I just want to explain that I'm not sure when I'll get to rewriting with college and lots of other things, so I'm the meantime I thought I would give you a little glimpse of what cesse is up to after they graduate. :)

seven years later

"Jess," I look up from the table to meet Cades eyes, the light shining through the cabin windows pulling out the green. "How do we even baby proof a house?"

His expression, one of worry, is priceless and I can't stop the smile on my lips. "I'm not really sure, but we need to figure it out quick."

One of the rubber corners he's trying to attach to the table falls to the ground, him go with it defeated. The cabin is small, or in Cades words 'cozy'. Turns out, my dad had sold it. But a trip up to the cabin, and one of those nosy neighbors asking what we were looking for, they were happy to hand it back over for a fraction of the cost. A fraction that I could surprisingly afford after paying for law school.

It didn't hurt that both Cade and I had given job offers in the area as well, and my beloved cabin had now become our beloved home.

He doesn't look up until I stand in front of him, holding my hands out for him to grab and get the gesture to stand back up. "If it makes you feel any better, you don't really have to worry about it until he learns how to walk."

It doesn't take even a second before his arms wrap around me, hands on the small of my back. "We have to have on these ugly covers for that long?"


Cade throws his head back in mock annoyance, he'll do just about anything to get a laugh out of me. "Mr. Butler, you're the pediatrician here. I would think you would know more about this."

"Not a pediatrician yet," he plants a quick kiss on my lips. "Just a guy whose in a lot of debt. But you could say the same Mrs. Almost Butler, at least I have a lawyer if anything goes wrong."

Now it's my turn to blush at the affection. "Not a lawyer yet, I'm only five months into this clerkship and I haven't passed the bar yet."

"Better not take as long as the orange corners stay." His head nods towards the living room where everything below three feet was safely put away and every sharp corner was successfully covered with the fluorescent orange rubber covers.

"We could have gotten clear ones."

"Yea, now that I think about it, the orange doesn't really match anything." He cracks a smile as soon I crack mine.

Cades eyes flicker with the sun that's trying to escape behind the trees, and besides the five o'clock shadow dressing his chin he looks exactly the same as he did all those years ago.

"How long until I get to see you walking out the door with a stethoscope around your neck?" I ask the question almost everyday, but I know it makes Cade happy to hear how far he's come.

"A couple of months," he thumb tickles my cheek while he tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

I fake disappointment while I ask my next question. "What, are you not excited to see me in pantsuits everyday?"

"Have you seen your butt in those suits? I'm very happy to see them every morning and night." In one fluid motion he turns us so that the back of my legs his the table instead of his. "However, I'm even more excited to see out of your slacks and blazer."

"In my sweatpants and old tee?"

He kisses the smile off my lips, his hands on either side of the table, trapping me in between. "Nope."

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