21. benched

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Cades POV
Friday October 17th

Inconveniently the guest locker room was shut down and we all had to share the home one. Which meant the Knights were sticking their noses into everything.

Every year I dreaded playing them, they always had a stick up their ass and thought that we should all bow down and kiss the ground they walked on. And with the altercation on the field earlier we definitely weren't happy. All game they had been getting away with things and all the refs did was make bad calls. It had made the whole team tense, so when I could hear some dimwit from the Knights mention Jesses name I was already ready to yell at someone.

Since we couldn't go over plays, halftime was kind of pointless, all we were doing was walking around and drinking water.

I sat down on the benches and started to lace my cleats again so I could hear what the guys were saying.

"Shes definitely changed, but a reputation always holds up right?" The guy had taken off his helmet allowing me to actually see his face. He thought he was super funny though, and the way that some of the other guys nodded and laughed told me that they agreed.

I don't know much about how Jesse was at Kensington, but she moved here in like eighth grade, I really don't think she could have left that big of a mark on them.

"Did seeing her rekindle something Reid?"

Jack laughed as a response, she did say that they had been close. But eighth grade?

"If I go talk to her after the game do you think she'll agree to hang out?" Jack smirks as he says it and I can't hold back the scoff that I make, causing him to look my way. "What about it? You got a thing for her?" It takes me a second to realize he's talking to me.

"What makes you think that?"

He laughs and looks behind him at his friends. "You did happen to stop by earlier, are you forgetting that I almost punched you?"

The way that he talks makes my blood boil. He stands with his shoulders back and I know that he thinks no one can touch him. But me ignoring him causes him to lose interest in me and he goes back to his friends.

"Don't worry Reid, just pay her. She moved for a reason, she's poor." The guy hits Jack on the shoulder and he nods in agreement.

"Plus, who can say no to this." Jack lifts his jersey to show off the faint lines of apps. More like a four pack than a six.

That sends me over the edge.

"I thought you were supposed to be friends with Jesse?" I stand up which causes him and his buddies to look at me.

"Yeah before she moved. I haven't spoken to the slut since freshman year." He laughs it off like it's cool to talk about her, or anyone that way.

"I thought you would have been nicer from the way she spoke about you." I don't think anyone else is listening to me, but if they do I'm sure I'll get interrogated as to why I would know about their friendship.

"Who wouldn't speak highly after spending the night with me." Seriously dude, again eighth grade! "Seriously who got your panties in a twist? Oh my, your sleeping with her aren't you! How is she?"

Is he serious? "No I'm not sleeping with her."

"I bet she's freaky! You can only go up from the start." Jack steps closer to me, obviously challenging me.

By now the attention of the rest of the team had been captured, and the show was right here.

"Dude, don't you have any respect?"

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