20. jackson reid

584 30 2

Friday October 17th

Surprisingly, Shan didn't have to drag me to today's football game. I didn't have to cover it for yearbook, some sophomore had begged me to allow him to do the task. Why he thought I wouldn't agree, I don't know. I mean this was the last game of the season for crying out loud.

I had the most school spirit that I had ever possessed, because today we were going against none other but the Rivals. Otherwise known as the Kensington Knights. Even the name sounds rich. Which made it even better that they had to come here, because everything was the same except on a lower budget.

To say Shan was spooked when I rushed her out the door, hopped in MY car, and drove with the windows down and the radio up to the football stadium is an understatement.

But my spirit got her in the spirit, and made her even happier when I got us in for free because of yearbook.

We had gotten here almost an hour early, but I wanted to make sure we got good seats. And I needed to give Colin a pep talk, and maybe even see some old friends.

Sweet Caroline.

That's all I heard.

The 1969 Neil Diamond classic was blaring through the speakers like it did at all the games. But today they played it louder, probably because it was clean and still managed to get tons of teenagers hyped up.

But before I even have the chance to make my way to the bleachers a high pitched shriek comes from behind me, "Sanderson?"

It's as if I don't have control over my body, I immediately turn to face the girl. "'Kinley!"

Shan gives me a smile before moving away, mouthing that she was going to get us seats.
All while Rachel has embraced me in a tight hug that is causing me trouble with my breathing. Rachel McKinley belonged to the Rivals. I had been friends with her since preschool and even after I moved we had talked regularly for a while.

Rachel was the poster child for stereotypical teenage dumb blonde in a early 2000s movie. Pink was her favorite color, she never left the house without her purse and heels, her platinum blonde hair was straightened to perfection, her skin perfectly tanned, and her family was loaded. And she had been this way since the third grade. Lots of people got annoyed with her 'dumb blondness' and her overcharged energy levels, but she always had a soft spot in my heart. Not to mention that she couldn't even kill a mosquito because 'they probably have families that are waiting for them'.

"Ok, give the girl some air!" The guys voice caused me to drop my gaze from the squealing girl. Lukas Jones stood behind Rachel, his varsity jacket perfectly outlining his shoulders. Luke had definitely gained some muscle since I last saw him, but he was still the charmer that I remember.

Luke and Rachel have practically been dating since first grade and it was clear that it was still happening from the way he wraps his arms around her with the biggest smile on his face.

Luke's hair wasn't quite as platinum as Rachels, and his eyes were hazel instead of the piercing blue ones she had. They were the picture perfect couple.

"Jones!" He, much like his girlfriend, was already pulling me into a hug. Very touchy they are. "What happened with the football dream?" I gestured towards the field. Since day one he had babbled about he was gonna be a NFL Star, so the fact that he wasn't running drills in the blue uniform had me confused.

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