26. halloween

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Friday October 31st

After another hour of questioning from Shan, Colin, and Kayden we were set free. No really because we were still at Colins house, but free in the fact that we were allowed to get off the couch.

It felt good that Shan and Colin knew. It was nice to not have to lie, or to have Cade under a fake name in my phone. Except everyone else was still in the dark. That meant tonight we are going to have to put on another act.

Every Halloween Colin invites everyone over to to watch scary movies and pig out on candy. Plus his neighborhood is crawling with little kids and someone had to be on trick or treat duty or else his mom would kill him. Usually we would pawn it off on Kayden, but he was going to a haunted house with his girlfriend.

This year was different though, because it was more than Shan, Tate, Brax, Harper, Mia, and me invited. Cade, Nate, Ryan and Levi were invited too. It was a lot to deal with, especially since 70% of the eleven people invited were still on their shopping Cesse phase, and were blind from the fact that Cade and I were friends.

Colin told everyone to come around 5:30, which meant for now the four of us were on set up duty. Shan and Colin got tons of blankets and pillows while Cade and I got tons of snacks. Usually when we have movie nights we all go downstairs to the mini theatre, again I say that Colin is loaded, but since we had to man the door we were going to watch the movies upstairs in the living room.

"How are you feeling about everything?" I ask as I rip open a bag of pretzels.

Cade stand up from putting pop into the fridge. "It's nice time not have to hide it from them, but everyone else still doesn't know."

"They're not going to keep it to themselves for long."

"I know, I give it a week."

I laugh. "I give them a day."

He smiles at my words. Probably because we both know they're right. Man his smile is contagious.

Stop staring Jesse. You're making this worse.

Soon enough someone is knocking on the door before letting themselves inside "trick or treat!" The voice belongs to Tate, there's no mistaking it. Harper follows him into the living room where Colin and Shan are arguing over how they should distribute the blankets. And that's when they turn and walk towards us instead.

Which causes them both to freeze in place. Literally they stopped and were staring at us.

"You good?" I try to get them out of their manikin like state.

"Uh, yeah." Tate breaks but looks confused. "I was not expecting to find you two working together."

And the acting starts once again.

"We're with Colin and Shan, you thought they wouldn't make us work together?"

"Touché." Harper says as she goes to grab a handful of grapes.

The two drop their stuff onto the counter before going to help with the blankets and pillows. Hopefully stopping Colin and Shan from physically fighting.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I don't see who's talking until Cade nudges my arm for me to look at up Colin.

He looks worried almost. "Yeah." I follow Colins lead where he steps out into the patio.

Colins backyard was huge. He was practically lined in trees, with a gazebo in the far corner, and a pool with a slide and waterfall to the left. The entire patio was made of stones, and there was a fireplace with a bar attached on the other side.

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