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Hey guys, a quick authors note!

Yes, I understand that Cade and Jesse are always running into each other and it's always awkward. But it's because their friends ship them so much and they are desperately trying to get their friends to stop. It's not their fault that they work together and that their friends are kind of crazy. Along with the rest of the school.

Fate has a strange way of working and if it keeps putting Jesse and Cade into uncomfortable situations, so be it.

And I know some of you think that they're super awkward and they just need to get over it. You have to remember that their friends and Leah would absolutely freak if Jesse and Cade were seen communicating. They have to act like they still haven't spoken since the rude conversation in the commons.

Also, I understand that some you might think that Cade is a bad boyfriend to Leah, but trust me, he's a good guy. He doesn't realize that things are kind of getting sticky with Jesse and Leah. (No. This isn't a love triangle. Just wait.) And you'll get to see more insight on his current relationship coming up soon.

To everyone who says that it's unrealistic to have stuff like this happen to them all the time, and that it's too much Cade + Jesse too fast, remember that this story starts after like five years since the start of the Cesse shipping. People have invested too much time and effort into this for it to stop. And it keeps on building to it.

I know some of you are saying that this is too cliché and unrealistic, no one in their school would care. You have to remember that they live in a small town centered around the football team, with Cade being the quarterback and captain. Cade, and the rest of the team, are pretty much royalty in this town. That's why in the restaurant an hour away no one recognized them, but they're always bombarded with people at home. The junior and the senior class pretty much all know about "Cesse" because of their friends. Plus something like this happened at my school, the entire high school knew about these two people that were being shipped and we all made joke about it.

So thank you if you read this, I just want you to keep some things in mind while you continue reading!


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