17. incrminating question

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Friday October 10th

"Mr. Dixon?" Class has just started, but everyone was too absorbed in their phones or the homework they were supposed to do two nights ago to even notice me speaking.

"What kind of incriminating question do you have today, Ms. Sanderson?"

"Hypothetically," The look that Mr. Dixon was giving me told me that he clearly didn't believe that this was a hypothetical question. "If someone were to break into someone else's laptop... say a teachers for example, how much trouble would the person get into?"

I was still on the mission of breaking into Ms. Adams laptop. And I wasn't going to stop until I deleted that picture off of the yearbook folder.

Mr. Dixon lost all hope in his eyes and soon his palm was hitting his forehead.

People started to laugh, which only caused everyone's attention to finally focus on the man in the plaid shirt, as well as the student who was speaking to him.

"Well, do I get anymore information? Why are they breaking into the laptop?"

Now I wasn't about to completely incriminate myself. But I needed the answer to know just how bad my punishment would be.

"Okay. Well let's say that this person needed to delete a file that was sent to the teacher." It was only after I said those words that I realized how bad that sounded.

"Why would you need to delete a file?"

"Not me, someone, remember that this is hypothetical."

"We'll make sure to keep it hypothetical Sanderson, or else you'll be saying goodbye to your chance at a full ride." Oh.

How he knows about the whole college thing is beyond me. But now he just told the whole class, and of course it's the class with the whole football team. And that means that I don't miss the looks that Cade and Ryan are giving me.

"Anyways, I don't really feel like teaching today. So we're gonna watch Criminal Minds."

Dixon took his time to pull up Netflix, and get Criminal minds up onto the tv.

Now, I would be sitting back and watching one of my favorite shows. If it it wasn't for the three feet that kicked me simultaneously. Yes, three. Cade, Ryan, and Bri we're all looking at me like I forgot to tell them that I have the Krappy Patty secret formula.

"You got picked for a full ride?" Bri had trouble keeping the volume down, not that anyone really cared.


Her eyes narrowed at me. "And you didn't feel the need to tell me?" Bri was the one freaking, but both Ryan and Cade were clearly interested in the topic as well.

"Well I probably won't get it anyways. No one ever gets it."

"You'll get it." Ryan finally spoke up, having too much faith in me. So naive.

"Where are you going to go?" This question comes from the guy sitting next to me.

Bri shifts closer, sitting literally on the edge of her seat. "Well the goal is Bastion. That's were I really want to go."

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