3. the three blind mice

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Wednesday September 4th

I was soon made aware that the sports section required us to go to every home sports game and as many away games as possible. And just as my luck had been going throughout the day, I was in charge of varsity, Tate was JV, and Carly was freshman. Since there wasn't too many freshman teams, Carly would be joining me to some games.

at least I'll have someone to go with.

I was also made aware that this meant every sport, but mostly the main four. Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Volleyball. Our school really only cared about the sports, and especially only cared about the sports that get the largest amount of money.

"Earth to Jesse." My attention was quickly on Mia's manicured hand. Mia was one of my closest school friend, meaning we didn't really hang out off school grounds much, unless in a group.

"Huh?" I leaned back in my chair.

"We were talking about going to the game tomorrow and you drifted off."

It took a second for my mind to clear up. "Oh. Yeah. I have to do interviews for yearbook so I don't know what all I can watch with you guys."

"Right. Interviewing." It was the last hour of the day and Mia, Harper, and I usually used it as a study hall. Which today we had no work to do and Harper didn't seem to believe my explanation.

"What do you think I'll be doing? Kissing Cade in the locker room?"

Harper bit off her granola bar, "You said it. Not me."

I wanted to scream. So instead I slammed my head into the table for the second time today.

Honestly what did people see in Cade. Sure he wasn't bad on the eyes. He was boy next door cute where as Matt was model hot. Cade sported a friendly smile but I never saw him talk to anyone outside his inner circle. Also not to mention the whole Ally situation. Two years ago Cade was dating this girl named Ally, they broke up and every one of her friends disowned her, he probably ruined a part of her life.

He was the golden boy, or at least to all the people I talked to he was.

"Anyways, Tate invited me to go swimming tomorrow and he said that you guys and Shan are invited."

Mia had a hard look of concentration before she erupted. "Crap! I can't even go to the game, I have to babysit."

"It's okay. There will be a next time."

"But it's my off season and I want to relax in a pool. What kind of society is this?!" Once winter hit Mia was in almost every sport you could think of. She was practically unreachable from November to June.

"How about you?"

Harper had a look on her face that said she was up to no good.

"What if I said no?"

She laughed. "I would kidnap you. You don't have a choice."

I shrugged seeing as I didn't have anything going on. The game was most likely going to be canceled because the team we were going against all got the flu, apparently so bad that they had to take off a week of practice. Meaning that they aren't prepared for this game at all.

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