27. sleeping together

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Saturday November 1st

When I wake up the next morning Colin is gone. He's always been an early riser and when I look at the clock it's 10am. Early for me. I managed to find the toothbrush that I have here in Colins bathroom and now it's time to face the rest of them.

The kitchen is already swarmed with everyone. But I see fruit and that's the only goal I have.

I push past everyone to get to it. Strawberries, watermelon, grapes, and blueberries?! Colin really is spoiling me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I recognize the voice as Colin and within seconds I have a new hairdo. Doesn't he know not to mess with me within the first hour of me being awake. "No need for that." He pushes my hand down, that's flipping him off.

Whatever. Nothings going to stop me from enjoying my fruit.

I walk past everyone and into the back yard. Even though it's November it's still warm out, which means my breakfast will be enjoyed on the patio. The door opens as soon as I close it and the voice that speaks is not one I recognize easily. "Ryan is making waffles if you want any."

When I turn around Nate is standing at the door. "No I'm good, thanks though."

I make my way to the table outside but I never hear the door close, probably because Nate drops himself into the seat across from me.

"Hi?" He doesn't say anything so I start the conversation.

"I know this is weird because we've never actually talked, but it's clear that you know about Shan and I. And I wanted to ask you something." Here we go.

I move so that my legs are against my chest and I rest my head on my knees. "What is it."

"So Shan and I have been talking since the end of August. And I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend, but is your dad going to kill me? Like I know he's a cop after that whole thing in class, but will he shoot me?"

Good. He should be scared. "Honestly it's Aisha you should be more scared of, Jim is cool. As long as you don't hurt her Jim with be cool with it. But Aisha, she'll probably run a background check. So if you have any felonies you're hiding than you should probably run now."

Nate laughs at what I said but it's the truth. "So how should I ask her?"

"I'm not really sure, but Shan and I are complete opposites, so do something big. Don't just ask her like it's just another conversation. Take her on a big date and think of something that's creative. If you need help just let me know."

His eyes practically light up like Christmas trees. "I think I might have an idea, but I'll let you know if I need help."

Nate stands and starts towards the door with a spring in his step. "Nate." I wait until he looks at me. "If you hurt her in anyway, we'll be planning a funeral instead of a wedding."

"Damn, okay."

I give an innocent smile before he steps through the door, that boy may think I'm joking but his head will be on a stick. As Nate walks inside, Cade walks out. The look Nate gives Cade is priceless, probably because he's confused as to why Cade would willingly but himself in a position to be alone with me. Nevertheless Nate walks inside, leaving us to talk in peace.

"What was that about? I've never seen you talk to Nate."

"Because he never has." I finish the strawberries in my bowl. "He pretty much asked for my blessing in asking Shan to be his girlfriend."

"Nate wants to be official?" I nod my head yes to his question. "That's how you know he's whipped." The statement comes out with such a serious expression, I can't hold back the laugh that escapes. "What?"

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