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Q. Why u share ur bf with your brother?
A. I'd LOVE to have him all to myself but I can't just break my brothers heart like that, we made a promise. And besides, Tae loves us both.

Q. Why r u so hella dirty along w ur brother?
A. *shrugs*

Q. Are you ever gonna forgive your other other brother?
A. Nope.

Q. How does it feel taking care of 2 babies? Do you feel responsible for it?
A. It feels great for someone who enjoys doing it. They're so precious to me and I wouldn't have it any other way. And for your other question, no. I take care of them as a way of showing my affection and love for both.

Q. Who do you love more, Taehyung or your brother?
A. What kind of question is that?

Q. Be my dad.
A. *Tae marches in with a mad face and sits on Jungkooks lap* He's mine.

Author: Tae I don't think they meant it like that...
Tae: O-oh... *embarrassed* Then of course! *Hugs you* Welcome to your new home lovie*

Q. What would you do if I took Tae?
A. *cracks knuckles* wanna see what'll happen?

Q. What would you do if Tae was sulking because of you and ur twin and play with Yeontan only?
A. I'd kiss him everywhere and push Yeontan away as Jeongguk cries his arms as he apologizes at least 200 times.

Q. Would you have sex with your brother?
A. No! Ewwie (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Q. Would you ever fuck Tae in little space?
A. *Gasp* Bad word. And no... mommie and I don't  like the thought of it.

Q. How is it fucking Tae while looking at your brothers dick?
A. UHHHH.... *runs away to hide in Taes arms*

Q. Honestly what triggered you to slip into little space?
A. Kookie talked about this a few chapters ago but it was because of depression and all the bullying :(

Q. Daddy?
A. No. Babie.

Q. Is it weird since you've seen ur brothers dick?
A. Why these questionssssss (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ *covers face*

Q. Be my dad.
A. B-but I'm babie too? 🥺

Q. How does it feel to have two people love you at the same time?
A. It's awesome. I've never felt more happier with my life. *Hugs them both*

Q. How you feel seeing that you're being fucked by brothers and twins?
A. Pretty darn good. I'm incredibly lucky to have two insanely hot men all for myself. Why? You jealous?

Q. Have you ever mistaken Jungkook for Jeongguk or the other way around?
A. ....don't tell.

Q. Can you adopt me?
A. You're so cute. Comere baby *hugs you and kisses your forehead*

Q. Be my mother or father- my parents to give an f about me🥺
A. Oh baby, I'm sorry. Starting from today, you're my little angel! *Little Jeongguk comes in with teary eyes* W-what about m-mwe :(

Q. Can you be pregnant and btw why you're so lucky to have both of them?
A. First off, no I cannot, it's simply not possible. And I guess you can say the world works in many ways :)

Q. Can you adopt me pls you can either be my mom or dad and the twins can be my fathers.
A. I'll gladly take you in, are you fine with mac and cheese for dinner baby?

Q. Why were you psycho?
A. None of your business.

Q. Why r u so different from others? 😹
A. *shrugs and rolls eyes*

Q. Do you mind leaving the love birds alone?
A. Can you mind your own business?

A. ....maybe you should be the one locked up instead of me... *moves away*

Q. Are you okay? Having three owners must be annoying huh?
A. *shakes head with furrowed eyebrows* Arf! ( means i love them in dog language )

Q. Hello bby 💖
A. *licks your cheek*

Q. How do u live with ur owners being so loud at night?
A. Woof... ( I think i'm dead by now from all the sleepless nights )

Q. Woof woof woof wof arf woof????

Q. You're lucky to be able to get smooches from your owners, i mean 3 hot owners 💀🥵 grateful enough aren't you?
A. *smug look and jumps on Jungkooks thick thighs and lays down*

Q. You're lucky to be able to see ur owners wildin at night while licking your fur 😤 be grateful will you?!
A. arf woof... ( i'm not lucky at all... )

Q. Do you even know how lucky you are ——?
A. Woofie (ʋ) ( sometimes )

Q. Be my bestie.
A. Woof woof ( mommy said no )

Q. Be mine instead.
A. *Tae comes in and snatches Yeontan*

Q. Why are you so cute? I wanna cuddle you 🥺
A. *Jumps onto your lap and sleeps*

Me ( author )
Q. Have you ever thought of a foursome fanfic?
A. Not really, It was tricky enough doing a threesome fanfic hehe.

Q. Have you ever thought of writing vminkook? Also loved this book so much.
A. I honestly have, I'm actually brainstorming plots as you read this :D for new books of course.

Q. Will you marry me?
A. Whose last name are we taking baby?

Q. Can you do a fifthem? A Tae, kook, kai, eunwoo, and jackson? Bottom tae?
A. That sounds tricky... :(

Q. You're really awesome 🥺
A. Come and I'll kiss you

Q. Where and how did you get the ideas to write? I mean your imagination must be like WoW because i did try writing a one shot and can't even end it because my brain stopped working 💀💀 Love your writing anyways! 💋💋
A. Well my imagination is pretty wild and i've watched tons of romance movies since i was a toddler.

Q. I love your story
A. And I love you.

Q. I love you a lot.
A. I love you more but I love your @ most. And come and sit on my lap so I can smooch you.


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