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chapter seventeen— Why?

After thousands of kisses and 'I miss you's, the three were now settled on a couch drinking some hot tea since it was pretty cold. Taehyungs mind was just screaming at him to ask his boyfriends about their hidden triplet. After minutes of debating whether he should or should not ask them, he finally put his cup of tea down and sat on the coffee table to look them both. The two look at their angel in confusion as to why he moved from them and onto the coffee table.

"I got a question for you two, and you better not lie to me." Taehyung looks at the two with stern eyes and a speaks with a tone so they knew he was not messing around. The twins shifted uncomfortably on the couch and looks at their boyfriend who looked like he was going to kick them both in the head.

"Do you or do you not, have a triplet?"





"Don't let me fucking ask again."

The room was filled with uh's and nervous coughs, Taehyung knew Jeongguk was out of little space when he started his little act of stalling and whistles.

"If you don't answer, I'm leaving this room right now and you best believe I'm leaving this relationship too."

The twos eyes went wide and blabbers of 'no!' and 'please don't' filled Taehyungs ears.

"Then fucking tell me! Why lie to me about something like this?! I have the right to know that my boyfriends that are twins have a fucking brother who is in fact their triplet!" Unshed tears were in Taehyungs eyes as he yelled tired and stressed about the whole situation. A tear finally slipped and his bottom lip started to tremble. Jeongguk took the action of wiping away the tear and holding his hand to soothe him.

"Okay I'll explain this whole madness." Jungkook suddenly pops in. Straightening his back as he cleared his throat trying to find the right words to their fucked up past.

"It all started when.."

15 years ago in Busan

Jungkook, Jeongguk, and Jongu were playing in their backyard as their mother and father were watching them with their two year old Jihyo sitting on the fathers lap drinking apple juice.

"D-daddy I wan play with t-t-them! C-can I?" The cute Jihyo asks after finishing her juice box.

"Not right now sweetie you just finished eating lunch, after half an hour then you can okay?" Her mother pops in and she huffs with a pout.

"K-kay then."

"Ggukie give me my iron man back!" The 8 year old Jongu yells. Jeongguk snatched the others toy figure and started playing with it in the sandbox, ignoring the others whines. Jongu's eyes turn and glare at his brother and he grabs one of the rocks and throws it to Jeongguks face. Scratching him deeply on his cheekbone as he cried aloud from the immense pain.

Jungkook stares in shock at what their brother had done but it was not the first time. Jeongguk and Jungkook knew that Jongu was not like the rest. He was rather more crazy and not stable in his mind. He liked seeing his brothers cry and cry because of him. But it has never come this far. Jongu would usually just kick them on the leg or punch them in the stomach, of course without their parents seeing, and the two never once dared to go and tattle tell on him, scared of what he will do to them next. Now he drew blood out of Jeongguks skin.

The parents gasped loudly as they ran towards their sobbing son and the mother brings him into the house to treat his deep wound. Their father turns to Jongu, and he was mad serious.

"Jeon Jongu, why did you do that?" The father looks at Jongu, but the boy was rather calm then scared. Jungkook was just at the corner of the sandbox, afraid and about to cry.

"Because he took my toy and thought it was cool to ignore me and disobey me!" The son yells in anger. His fists were tight and looked like he was ready to punch something, someone.

"That gives you no right to hurt your brother like that! Go to your room and think about what you done. You're grounded for a while boy." The father says and turns to check on his wounded son.

Jongu screams in anger and stomps into the house and slams the glass door, making Jungkook flinch.

"H-hey Jihyo baby, wanna play with Kookie?" The baby girl claps her hand as she runs to her big brother and they build a sandcastle. Jihyo later whines about wanting to go on the slide and Jungkook follows her to help her climb on the rather tall swing.

Oh how Jungkook wished he looked up at his bedroom to see what his brother was about to commit.

20k READS WHAT?! i love u guys thank you for reading my book.

But be honest, am I doing okay? 🥺 I don't know ):

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