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chapter thirteen— too much

It has been 3 days since the stranger incident and everything has become different for Taehyung. He can't help but turn every once a while to see if someone was following him. He just felt like he was being followed everywhere he went.

He was scared.

The only time he actually feels safe is in his two boyfriends arms. Ever since the stranger encounter, Taehyung is doing everything in his abilities to stay near the twins. In the restaurant, Tae would be in between them and clinging onto them. While walking around the park, Tae would have the two hold him and guard him. In bed, Taehyung would make them snuggle and hold him in their arms as tight as they could. The twins thought he was just being needy, but Taehyung was just anxious of everything. He'd flinch when someone taps his shoulder or calls out for him.

He has not seen the stranger ever since that night, but that did not stop Taehyung from being cautious. He would turn his head to check every side to see if anyone was there. He would always try and make one of the twins follow him around to the stores or to the park.

Now he was on break and Jungkook was calling him.

"Hi Kook," Taehyung smiles when he hears his boyfriends smooth voice greet back.

"What are you calling me for?"

"Well my aunt just called me earlier and was telling me about my sick grandma. I just wanted to tell you that me and Gguk will be going to Busan for about three days to check up on her and see if she is alright. I hope that's okay with you baby." Taehyung could hear the concern and apologetic voice coming from the call.

"Why wouldn't it be okay Kookie? Of course you guys can go, when are you guys leaving?" Taehyung just wished he won't say-

"In three hours Taebear."

Taehyungs shoulder dropped and his anxiety increased. He tried his best to sound alright and quickly ended the call. He goes back inside and turns back to work.

After an hour of doing orders, he hears the door chime and his two boyfriends coming over to him. Taehyung checks to see if any customers needed help before he walks off to the twins. The first thing he gets is a big hug by the two. He quickly hugs back and kisses both their heads.

"I'm gonn miss you mommy," Jeongguk sniffles, already missing his boyfriend. Jungkook says the same and Taehyung could not help but coo at them. He brings them to a table and brings them a drink on him. After a while of chatting, the two have to go and catch the train so they kissed good bye and Taehyung went back to work.

It was now dark and little customers were left. It was already almost time to close and Taehyung takes a look outside the glass window to check if he was there. He sighs in relief when he sees nothing but cars passing by and people walking.

After closing up the cafe, he starts his walk over to the bus stop. The bus stop is like a ten minute walk from the cafe so Taehyung was okay.

Everything was going well. Taehyung was in the bus heading to his apartment. Not much people were in the bus other than three old women and some drunk man in his late 40s. The bus stopped near his area and Taehyung still had to walk some more. As he walks, he hears footsteps behind him.

He looks back.


He gets scared and starts walking faster, then he hears the footsteps again, but going fast as him.

It was getting too much for Taehyung.

He did not want to look back, scared of who it might be.

So he ran. He ran as fast as he could to his apartment and took the elevator, he looks outside and sees the stranger right near the stop sign not too far from the apartment.

Taehyung could not help but cry. He was scared shitless. And he had no one to protect him now.


Okay how the heCk did we get to 5k reads ? ! ? ! !

please continue reading my book ): i lov u

thank you all so much ): im gonna smooch you all 🥺

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