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chapter twenty—You ain't shit to us.

"Hello there brothers and Taehyung."

The trio turned around to see Jongu in the usual black coat and black mask covering his face. But they all recognized the deceiving voice of him. The twins step forward, blocking Taehyung from Jongu just in case he tries anything. Jeongguk was far from little space when he knew he needed to protect Taehyung.

"What the fuck do you want Jongu?" Jungkook asks vulgarly and pissed just by his presence. Jeongguk folding his arms, glaring at their 'brother'.

"Aw, can't a man have a little chat with their sweet brothers?" Jongu tilts his head in a mockingly and vicious tone. But the twins knew this tone all too well. Living with a monster such as him is more than enough to traumatize them for a life time.

"You're nothing to us." Is what the twins say before turning around and leaving.

They were about to walk away but Jongu grabs Taehyung from the back and pulls him to his chest with a knife right against his throat. Taehyung was shocked and could not move due to being afraid of dying. All Jungkook and Jeongguk could see was red; everyone knew not to touch what is theirs. The first thing Jungkook does is punch Jongu quickly on the ribs, making the crazy man groan and let go of Taehyung, but not without leaving a deep cup on the dip between his shoulder and neck. Taehyung fell to the concrete with a loud painful scream and the dog came running over to him to protect him.

The twins were mad. How dare Jongu hurt their boy. Jeongguk was furious, he grabbed Jongu by the hair and yanked him up as Jungkook laid a firm kick on his ribs on the right side, surely breaking something. Jongu fell with a loud thump and Jeongguk took this chance to step on his chest, slowly pressing down and making it harder for the psycho to breathe.

"Get up," Jeongguk says as he backed away from Jongu to get up.

"I SAID GET UP YOU CRAZY FUCKER," and the furious male kicks him once more. Jungkook kneels beside the beaten up man and laughs.

"How does it feel Jongu? How does it feel to be like us years ago? All broken and defeated. You made our lives a living hell and killed your own blood. You're nothing but a monster and monsters deserve to die," Jungkook states. Taehyung finally lets out a gasp out what his boyfriend just said and was going to protest until Jeongguk pulled him back.

"But we are not killing you. We aren't disgusting filthy animals like you. So take this as a final warning to stop bothering our boyfriend or you won't be seeing daylight. And even try to say something and I will make sure Jeongguk will snap your jaw in half," Jungkook says before standing up and walking over to the only people that matter to him.

The twins grab Taehyungs hand in their hold and walk away, leaving a broken and exhausted psycho man who only smiles before laughing. That laugh dies down when he sees Jeongguk marching up to him once more and lands a hard punch on the face of the crazy male.

"Remember this Jongu... you ain't shit to us. So stay the hell away from me and my family." And with that, the trio plus Yeontan leave the place and head back to their place.

Sorry for the wait ): I haven't been feeling well lately. But don't worry! I don't have corona or anything hahah. Thank you guys for 29k reads and 1k votes 🥺 You guys are the best. Please stay home and stay safe! I love you.

- Nat

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