Chapter 31

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Harry takes my hand in his and opens the door with his other hand and we start running. The body guards hold some girls back creating a small path but unfortunately one isn’t quite tall enough and as I am just about to the hotel I feel someone yank hard on my hoodie causing me to tumble backwards losing my hold on Harry. She then finds a way around the guard and proceeds to kick me and punch me calling me some pretty nasty names that I’d rather not repeat. I try to get up but every time I do she kicks me harder and I fall down to the ground once again. I find the rhythm of her kicks and see one coming. I snatch her ankle out of the air and twist it around which causes her to fall face first on the cement. I get up and sprint for the hotel.

“Ok do we have everyone?” Paul asks looking around at them. Harry looks around and sees that I’m not there and he becomes panicked.

“No where’s Anabell--?” Harry looks up and sees me walk in. “Oh thank God. Are you ok?” Harry asks wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in for a hug.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I say and look up to see Liam mouth ‘Are you really ok?’ And I shake my head briefly. Harry pulls away and I smile at him. The elevator dings and we turn to see a bunch of fans (as many as they could possibly fit). They see us and start screaming. Paul pushes us to the stairs and everyone starts climbing. By the time I get up the first flight of stairs though I am completely out of breath, I just can’t get enough air in my lungs. “I-I can’t make it…up… anymore…” I say as I lean against the wall and slowly slide down to a sitting position.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Harry asks looking down at me concerned.

“Yeah I’m fine. I’m not good at running, remember?” I say as I lean my head back and try to control my breathing. Harry goes over to the door that leads to the first floor’s rooms and peeks out.

“Ok there’s no one out there so let’s try the elevator again.” Harry says coming over to help me up. We walk out and soon hear tons of screams. “Crap!!” Harry says as he pulls me into the janitors closet. He shuts the door and we stand there in the dark until all the screams go past us. The hall gets quiet once again and Harry flips the light switch. “Ok so seriously something‘s not right. What aren‘t you telling me?” Harry asks looking down at me. I open my mouth to speak… “And don’t lie to me.” I sigh and decide I might as well just tell him then.

“When we were running into the hotel some girl grabbed my hoodie and I fell backwards then she started kicking me and punching me and calling me things…” I look up at Harry‘s face and see that he is NOT happy. “But I finally got away.” I add with a small smile hoping he won’t get too mad about it. Harry looks down at me and reaches up and gently touches my cheek.

“Where did she kick you?”

“My ribs. And I think my ankle is swollen.” Harry lifts up the corner of my shirt and his face goes completely pale. I look down to see how bad it is and see there is a huge bruise on my right rib and I think I might be bleeding internally or something.

“We have to get you to the hospital.” Harry says as he reaches for the door handle letting my shirt fall back down.

“No.” I say as I grab his hand. “Please don’t take me to the hospital. I’ll be fine, I promise.” Harry looks back down at me and shakes his head.

“No. I can’t let you die on me.”

“I won’t, I promise. Just please don’t take me to the hospital.” Harry shakes his head again.

“I don’t know what I’d do if you died. We need to go to the hospital because that…” Harry points to my ribs. “is serious you might have a couple broken ribs on your hands. Now either you come along willingly or I carry you there… well either way I’m carrying you.” I open my mouth to speak but Harry sweeps me up into his arms opens the door and goes down the stairs to the lobby. He opens the door and we see that the fans are still outside. Harry goes up to the lady at the counter. “We need to get her to the hospital. Is there any other way out to avoid that?” Harry nods towards the front door. The lady nods.

Live While We're Young (One Direction fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя