Chapter 35

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I slowly open my eyes, given that they were so heavy after the events from yesterday, and I can practically hear them creaking. I gaze around and find I’m in Harry’s old room sprawled out on the bed still in yesterday’s clothes. I sit up, stretch and yawn before rising from the bed and drifting to the bathroom. And once I get there, boy am I glad no one saw me, with my hair all a mess, my mascara and eyeliner (Gemma forced it on me) making it look like I have raccoon eyes, I look absolutely horrifying. I finish up and sneak out and back into Harry’s room. I slide in closing the door quietly and spinning around to what I thought was an empty room. But I find Harry has come back up and was in the midst of pulling his pants on. He does that cute little dance you do to get skinny jeans on, buttons the top and spins around.

“Oh hello, love.” He says his voice still a little gravely sending chills down my spine.

“Hi.” I say a bit too high pitched and I bite my lip and look down blushing feverishly.

“You know…” Harry says walking to me and lifting my chin up to face him. “Being engaged to me kind of gives you the right to look if you want.” He says adding a smirk to the end of that allowing a dimple to show.

“Yeah… I know… but see the thing is, is that I’ve already seen quite a lot since the Up All Night Live Tour DVD… but I must say, it does not compare to the real thing.” I say adding my own little smirk. He chuckles and touches his lips to mine, deepening the kiss as I stumble back against the door. I hear the door knob turn and before I have time to pull away and get out of its path it hits me in the back of the head.

“Oh dear… I’m sorry…” Gemma says sliding in through the small crack before she assesses the situation and a slow smile creeps across her face. She starts backing towards the door adding in a whisper, “Opps just pretend I was never here… carry on.” She goes out closing the door tightly behind her and both Harry and I just start laughing. Harry’s face suddenly grows serious and I just look back at him confused as to what he’s now thinking about. And just before I get to ask he swoops me up in his arms, carries me to the bed and plants me down and kisses me. We stay like that for a while just kissing and enjoying being together before my stomach rudely growls. I smile and break the kiss, smack it and reach my arms around his neck.

“Are you hungry, honey?” Harry asks a slow grin spreading across his face, knowing full well that I starving. I nod and my stomach growls again. “Breakfast time!” Harry calls sliding off of me, taking my hands and pulling me into the standing position. We head out of the room and towards the stairs and I briefly catch a glimpse of our reflection and let me tell you… we looked a lot like something did happen.

“Harry,” I whisper into his ear. “Do you think you should have at least put on a shirt and let me change into something clean?” Harry glances down and then back to me and shrugs.

“Oh well… too late now.” He says as we walk past the living room where his mom, sister and step dad were sitting. I catch a couple of their stares and quickly start blushing and glaring at the ground. We get to the kitchen where I find pancakes, bacon and eggs all already cooked and ready to be eaten.

“How long ago did you make this?” I ask touching a pancake to see if it’s still warm which it is surprisingly.

“Umm… I don’t know. How long were we in my room?” Harry says widening his eyes and leaning to me. I continue blushing and eat my pancakes.

“So you two work up an appetite up there?” Gemma says winking as she walks past us.

“Gemma…” Harry whines, “Stop making everything so awkward… besides nothing happened…” Gemma answers this with a roll of her eyes.

“Sure.. Right, tell that to her matted down hair and your curls strewn all over the place… I mean seriously you could have at least made yourself presentable before coming back down here, geez.”

“Well, sorry but Anabell got hungry, so I figured it was as good a time as any to feed her the breakfast I made.” Harry retorts.

“Whatever… but just remember I want you to KEEP this one.” Gemma says putting a lot of emphasis on ‘keep.’ and with that she stalks out of the room.

“So what are we doing today?” I ask once she’s gone hoping it’s not another shopping trip, I mean don’t get me wrong I LOVE shopping but with Gemma I just HAVE to get EVERYTHING even if I can’t afford it… I’m basically broke right now from our last trip.

“We can do whatever you like. I still have a while off before work really begins… so it’s up to you.” I look out the window and see snow falling down and I smile. Harry follows my gaze and I hear him groan a bit.

“Aww come on… I loved playing in the snow back home… pleasee…” I say tugging on his arm and he sighs giving in instantly. I finish up my breakfast quickly and race up to the bathroom to get a shower. I get in quickly and finish up just as quickly already back in the room before Harry even has time to put his shirt on. I gaze in the mirror and my now soaked hair and wonder what to do with it before spotting Harry’s famous grey beanie lying on a chair by the closet. I smile throw my hair up into a bun and run back, grab it and slide it on. I glance in the mirror and approve before turning on my heel to face Harry.

“DANNGGG!! You look way better in that then I ever could.” Harry says with a smirk and I smile back. We go downstairs and Harry puts on all his old winter gear and I wear Gemma’s and we head out into the snow, that has already accumulated. We walk out hand in hand till we reach the middle of the yard and I bend down pick up some snow, form a snowball and chuck it at his face. “HEYYY!!!” He yells and I take a couple steps back.

“Hey, hey, hey.” I say with a smile and a little wave reaching down to pick up more snow and throw it at him. He smiles and so begins a snowball fight. And just as I reach down to get more snow he runs straight for me and we roll around in the snow as it puffs up all around us. I gaze up into his sparkling green eyes and he gazes back down into my brown ones and if I wasn’t frozen solid surrounded by snow I would be a puddle, just knowing that that smile was for me… only me…

*click* *click click*

I turn my head towards the house and see Anne with a camera smiling as she takes a bunch more photos.

“I think we have our own personal paparazzi.” I say smiling back towards Harry. He glances to her and then back to me.

“She’s always been mine… and now she’s your… biggest fan.” He says smiling before planting his soft lips to mine. ‘I must admit this has probably been the best day ever… no it definitely has been… BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!’

**A/N I completely forgot to update this one soooo sorry!!! but i got it now im on spring break this week so im going to try and write new chapters for all of them and post them every couple a days or something cuz i really would love to finish them and im curious as to how theyre all going to end lol ;) so comment what you think and vote and fan or follow whatever wattpads calling it now :D

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