Chapter 22

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“Ok so are we done for today?” Louis asks Tom.

“Yup you are free to go.” Everyone jumps up and cheers before heading out of the room and back to the limo. We get back home and head in. Lily comes walking over to me I scoop her up and fall down onto the couch. I set Lily down on my chest and she moves down and curls up on my stomach and falls asleep.

“May I join you?” I look up at and see Harry with puppy dog eyes I reach down and hold onto Lily while I sit up a bit so Harry can sit down. I lay back down in his lap. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see if I have any messages. “Is my name your password?” Harry asks pointing to my phone.

“No I don’t have a password.”

“But I thought I saw something about me on the lock screen.” I lock my phone and push the back button and show him that it’s just a picture of his face. “You have picture of me as your lock screen?”

“Yeah why shouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know… doesn’t it just seem a bit weird.” I roll my eyes and unlock my phone. “When did you take that picture of us??” Harry asks seeing that my background was the picture of us sleeping that someone took which reminds me I still don’t know who took it.

“Can you get my sisters in here? I don’t want to wake up the baby.” I ask petting Lily who’s still curled up on my stomach. I look up and see Louis giving me a weird look. “What’s that look for?” I ask and he moves around and sees Lily on my stomach.

“Nothing.” Louis says sitting in the chair.

“Wait a minute you didn’t think I was pregnant or something did you?” Louis looks down. “Seriously??!! Why would you think that?” Just as Louis is about to answer my sisters come in the room.

“What’s up?”

“Who took this picture?” I ask showing them the photo. Arabell and Dawn shake their heads and Liz puts her hand up.

“You’re not mad are you?” Liz asks looking at the ground.

“Of course I’m not mad I love it. Thank you. Now come here and give me hug.” Liz smiles and bends down to hug me. Arabell, Dawn and Liz all head back into the party room.

“So…umm I hope you don’t mind me asking but… why are you in this room and not with your sisters?” Louis asks looking over at me. I shrug.

“This couch was closer.” I yawn.

“Aww is little Anabell sleepy??” Harry says poking my nose. I shake my head but end up yawning again. I close my eyes and end up falling asleep to Harry petting my head and singing softly and the hum of the TV in the background.

*The next morning* (Friday)

I sit up and stretch and open my eyes. ‘Huh now where am I?’ I look around the room and realize I’m in the guest bedroom. I take off the covers and see that I’m still in my skinny jeans from yesterday except now my belt is off along with my necklace and my glasses. I look over at the night stand and see them sitting there along with a note. I put on my glasses and grab the note. |If you’re reading this you probably woke up and are aware that I carried you upstairs and took your belt, necklace and glasses off. You fell asleep in my lap and I didn’t want to wake you so I tucked you in. But then I saw you were wearing a belt and I didn’t want you to be very uncomfortable so I took it off. I also saw you were wearing a necklace and I didn’t want you to choke. So my love when you’re ready come on downstairs and join us. Love, Harryxx| ‘Aww he’s so sweet.’ I reach over and put my necklace back on then stand up and put my belt back on because without it my pants start to come down. I head downstairs to see what’s going on.

Live While We're Young (One Direction fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora