Chapter 25

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“AWWW” We pull apart and turn to see the boys and my sisters standing at the entrance clapping and cheering.

“It’s about time mate.” Louis says.

“You do know I technically proposed before I even met her, right…” Harry says wrapping his arm around my waist. Louis just shrugs.

“Yeah but now IT’S OFFICIAL!!!” Everyone starts cheering again and I feel myself blush.

“Niall what’s that in your hands?” I ask looking over at Niall who I’m pretty sure was just taking a video or something.

“Nothing.” Niall says putting the phone or whatever it was behind his back.

“Alright! Time to make a music video!!” We all turn to see a ton of people walk into the backyard with cameras and lights and oh dear God is that makeup? I turn to Harry and he just smiles sheepishly I sigh as they all set up and we start shooting a music video.

*Many hours later*

“Finally!” I say when we finished at 10pm that night. I run upstairs to change and get the makeup off. I head into the bathroom and wash up and change into my pjs.

“Anabell!!! Anabell, my love, where are youuu???” I hear someone calling up the stairs. I open the door and peek out to see Harry walking into my room. “The record company would like to talk to you.” I sigh and fall down onto my bed. Harry laughs as he leans over me. “Come on, Honey you’re almost done.” I moan and Harry takes my hand helping me up. I walk downstairs and find most of the people gone.

“Ahh, there’s Anabell. So I would like to talk to you about something.” The lady takes a pause and I wait for her to continue. “Taylor Swift heard you singing with Harry and has decided that the new song she wrote would sound better if you sang it so she wants you to sing her song and release it as a single.”

“WHAT?!!!!” I just about scream, fully awake now. “Really??!! Taylor Swift wants me to sing a song she wrote… but what if I sound horrible?”

“Well Taylor wants you to try it and we’ll send her the song and if she likes it you’re in and we start a music video and a single cover and promo!!”

“Really??!! That’s awesome!! What’s the song called?”

“One Love.” She says smiling. “We will contact you and let you know when you can come in to the studio. Have a nice night.” She waves and I wave back. I turn around and see Arabell, Dawn and Liz standing there.

“Did you guys hear that??” I ask.

“YESSS!!! OH MY GOSH!!!” We all start jumping up and down clapping and dancing. We finally finish freaking out and then have to say goodbye to the boys, well my sisters do mostly since Harry’s staying the night here instead. (we decided it’d be better to say goodbye at home instead of the airport.) I sit down on the couch and look to all my sisters crying softly hugging the boys and I bite my lip attempting not to cry just yet. They all join in a group hug and I get up to join in. We then have individual hugs which is just as hard and the boys except Harry all walk out the front door. I turn back to see all the girls running upstairs to their rooms and I look to Harry who is looking down biting his lip. I walk over take his hand and head upstairs. We crawl into bed and as I look over at the Eiffel tower I realize I can’t get to sleep right now. I sigh and roll off the bed, literally, and walk over to the window. I sit down and look out soon realizing I forgot to grab my glasses so I can’t really see anything anyways. Lily looks up at me and jumps into my lap. I pull up my legs and look down at Lily curled up in my lap, purring. My hair falls into my face and I grab a piece and start twisting it around my finger. ‘Ugh I guess I really am tired.’ I look back over at the window just about ready to get back up and try to go to bed when I hear a noise and turn around to see Harry standing just a little a ways from me.

“Are you ok Honey?” He asks before sitting down in front of me.

“Yeah just couldn’t get to sleep.” I say looking down at Lily who is now attempting to climb over my legs to get to Harry, even she knows he’s perfection. I smile to myself but it fades quickly. “Harry?” I ask looking up at him.


“How come you picked me? I mean seriously you could have any other girl and there are many that would take you in a heart beat. And like 90 percent of them are prettier than me, so why me?” I bite my lip as I wait for his response.

“Because you are sweet, nice, caring, beautiful… like seriously the cutest girl EVER.” I smile at his emphasis on ‘ever‘. “And honestly I love your smile, your hair, your eyes, your glasses, your hands, your stomach…” He then pokes me and I squeak and curl into myself. “I love your voice, your toes, and God do I love those lips…” I smile and blush ‘good thing it’s dark.’ “And I love it when you blush, and when you bite your lip, you have no IDEA how crazy that makes me.” I smile as a tear starts to roll down my cheek, I’m not used to being complimented. “And well, basically I just love you for you.” He says pulling me closer to him.

“Thank you.” I whisper reaching over to hug him. I pull away a little while later and look down at his shirtless chest. “You’re not wearing a shirt.” I say looking pointedly at those amazing abs.

“Hey you’re just lucky I’m wearing pants this time.” He says winking. I look down biting my lip.

“What do you mean ‘this time’?“ I ask looking back up at him. He just smiles and winks again. I roll my eyes and pick up Lily and start to baby talk her and she just meows and licks my nose.

“Your will be an incredible mother.” Harry says. I look up at him and smile as I put Lily up to his face so she can lick his nose. He smiles and pets her little head.

“And you will be an amazing father… someday.” I say smiling. Harry raises his eyebrows and I just wink briefly before I start yawning, I look to the window remembering that it’s night time.

“Let’s go to bed.” Harry says standing up and reaching for my hand. I place my hand in his and stand up setting Lily back where I was sitting and we walk over to the bed. I crawl in and fall fast asleep safe in Harry’s strong arms. ‘Tomorrow morning I’ll have to say my goodbye… Oh boy…’

**Author's note: Hey everyone!! Sorry i haven't updated in a while i just didn't feel like writing but i'm back baby!!! :D So let me know what ya think? Comment, Vote, Fan xx love you. thanks so much for reading this you all are AMAZING!!!


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