Chapter 11

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I wake up, go to the bathroom and brush my hair deciding I’ll change later, I then head downstairs only to find Louis making breakfast.

“Morning, Honey.”

“Morning.” I say as I fall onto the couch.

“So did you two actually go to sleep last night?” Louis asks looking over at me.

“Yes we did right after you told us to.” Louis looks like he doesn’t believe it. “I pinky promise we went to bed right after you told us to.” Louis raises his eyebrows.

“That’s stuff legit.”

“I know.” I walk over and we touch pinky’s. I then hear a moan and turn around to see Harry walking down the stairs, hair all a mess, no shirt on and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“Really?!” I ask. Harry tilts his head confused. “Are you trying to kill me?” I ask motioning to his half naked body and messy hair. Harry smiles.

“Is it working love?” I smile, walk over and hug him.

“You know it babe.” I say as I pull away.

“So now we just need one more person to wake up and that would be…”

“BACON!!!!!!” I hear my sister yell bounding down the steps running and sliding into the counter. “Om nom nom its BACON!!” I then start laughing. “What?” Arabell asks.

“You sound like that dog on the commercial for beggin strips.”

“Oh my gosh I do!!” We look at the boys who look mighty confused.

“I’ll go see if I can find it on you tube.” I say as I run upstairs get my laptop and head back down. I sit down on the couch and log on and find it. “Alright I found it.” I say walking over to the kitchen. “Ready?” I ask and Louis and Harry nod. I press play and watch the commercial with them.

“She really does sound just like it.” Louis says after it’s over.

“I know right!” Arabell says as she reaches over and snatches a piece of bacon of the plate and takes a bite.

“Hey that was going to be my plate.” Louis says pouting.

“Do you want it back?” Arabell asks.

“No… but can I at least have a bite?” Arabell thinks it over and holds it out for him. Louis takes a bite and I can’t help but gasp. “What??” Louis asks confused.

“Arabell never shares her food.” I say astonished. I put my feet up on Harry’s chair and lean forward adding, “Not even with me.”

“Yes I do.”

“Nooo whenever you sit down with some food and I say I’m hungry you always either say ‘back off my food’ or ‘go make it yourself’.”

“I make food for you all the time.”

“That’s cuz I can’t cook, without you my diet would consistent of popcorn, chips, cookies and ice cream.” Arabell just rolls her eyes as she reaches over for the laptop and checks her twitter.

“Oh my goodness! I have 500,000 followers!! I got 100,000 in one night!!”

“Really?!!” I say and see her click on my username.

“Oh my God!! Anabell you have 700,000 wait… 800,000 followers on twitter!!”

“What?!! No way!!” I lean over Harry to look and indeed I just hit 800,000 followers!! ‘Holy poop!!’

“Dance party!!” Arabell yells and me and her get up and start dancing. Harry smiles and pulls the laptop to him logging out of Arabell’s account and onto his. He then tweets *How about an early morning twit cam??* which he then starts up.

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