Chapter 12

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The car pulls to a stop and I look out to see where we are and I see a park. We get out of the car and I start running for the swings, and I only make it there 2 seconds before the boys do. I sit down on the swing and start pushing Liam sits next to me and Niall on the other side with Zayn on the swing next to Niall.

“So… Where are you from?” Liam asks.

“Emmett Michigan.” I say. “So if you guys get to know all about me does that mean I get to learn more about you too?” I ask looking at the boys.

“Sure. Unless you know everything already.” Zayn says smiling.

“Well then you tell me something about you and I’ll say if I already knew it or not, ok?” They all nod.

“Well Liam taught me how to swim, so now I’m not afraid of water.” Zayn says.

“Didn’t know Liam taught you to swim did know you weren’t afraid of water anymore. Next?”

“I love Nandos…” I go to say I knew that but Niall puts up a finger and I stop. “…because me and my family used to go there every Sunday it was kind of our tradition.” (A/N: I don’t know if that’s true…)

“I didn’t know that. Liam?”

“Well Danielle thinks that you’re going to be great with our fans.”

“That’s a fact about Danielle not you.” I point out.

“The fact about me is that I think you’ll be great with them too, you’re so down to earth and sweet that it suits you.” I smile.

“I’M HUNGRY!!!” Niall yells. Liam looks over at him then at Zayn.

“I’ll take him.” Zayn says hoping off the swing and pulling Niall’s arm to get food. ‘Perfect now I can try and figure SOMETHING out.’

“So… how are you and Danielle? Are you still together?” I ask looking over to Liam.

“Yeah we’re still together… but I don’t know exactly what’s going on with her. She seems upset or something and I’m not sure if it’s just because of Eleanor and Louis splitting up or because she thinks that I could dump her just as easily, even though Eleanor broke up with Louis and I would never do that to her.” Liam goes quiet and looks down at the ground.

“Is there anything else going on?” I question.

“Yeah but if I tell you, you have to promise you won’t tell anyone not even Arabell.” Liam says looking up at me.

“I can’t me and Arabell tell each other EVERYTHING. There’s no way I could keep something from her.” I say looking down. Liam is silent for a while.

“Ok you can tell her but NO ONE else not even your other sisters. Ok?”

“Ok, pinky promise.” We touch pinky’s and he starts to talk.

“Ok so I think I kind of have a crush on you and I know I shouldn’t with me and Danielle and you with Harry but I don’t know it just kind of snuck up on me. Like when you told me that Arabell liked me it just kind of shocked me because most girls go for Harry, Niall or Zayn even because I’m taken and people respect that I guess. But then I saw the way that Louis looked at her and honestly he didn’t even look at Eleanor that way so I just kind of let it go hoping Arabell will go with Louis because they are perfect for each other. But then I look at you and I don’t know just the way that you are is so… unique and I love it and sometimes I wish that Danielle was just an ordinary fan instead of a dancer. I mean don’t get me wrong I love her and I support what she does but I think it’d be cool if it was just me that had the awesome job and everything. So yeahh… but I promise I’ll try and stop liking you at least that way… I mean we can still be friends right?” Liam asks looking up at me.

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