Chapter 36

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The rest of our break we spent just relaxing since the tour would be starting soon and rehearsals even sooner. Now it’s about mid January and so that makes it just about six months since we came to London and met Harry and the boys and it’s just crazy how much everything has changed just since then. Since I released my new single One Love and announced that I will be singing it with the boys on tour I get stopped a lot more for autographs and pictures and it’s absolutely mental (the boys are wearing off on me) because first I was known as Harry Styles’ fiancé and now I’m like my own person but still connected to the boys. Arabell and Louis are going strong still as well as Liz and Niall, Zayn and Dawn and even Alyssa and Liam are just plain adorable together. And of course the fans all still ask the boys to marry them and I mean I would too if I was in their position… still. Arabell has taken up a modeling class, Liz and Dawn are still in school but Liz has taken up a part time job at the hospital and Dawn got one at the Zoo feeding penguins. And so now all of this brings us to the present where me, Arabell and Dawn are sitting in the audience watching the boys rehearse, which is more like run around and act crazy but that’s why we love them, right?

“Ok, Ok I’m here guys what did I miss?” Liz says running in still in her scrubs.

“Just this basically.” I say gesturing to Niall and Zayn playing tag, Liam with Harry on his back trying to push Louis down and tackle him and everyone just watching and laughing.

“Aww but this is the best part…” Liz whines plopping down in the seat next to Arabell.

“Ok guys!! Time to rehearse One Love!” Paul yells from somewhere off stage.

“That’s my cue.” I say rising as my sisters wish me luck. I climb the stairs and stand next to Harry which happens to be like dead center. The songs starts and I sing along mechanically since we’ve been doing this for like two weeks now, but I know I’m going to still mess up when it comes down to people actually in the arena. They did arrange it so that One Love was basically the last song so I can still watch them perform before I have to get up there. We finish the song and everyone cheers to make me feel better and then we are finally able to go home for the night.

“Lily darling where are you?” I call as I open the door to our house.

“Meow…” I hear as she runs up to my feet pouncing on them as I walk in. I smile, bend down and scoop her up and she purrs in my arms.

“So that’s how you great our cat? Now how are you going to great me?” I hear from the darkness and nearly scream before the lights are flicked on and I see Harry standing in the kitchen.

“Geez give me a heart attack why don’t ya?” I say clutching my heart before running over kissing him.

“Aww come on I thought we would have the house to ourselves tonight…” Dawn whines walking in and finding Harry and I in the kitchen.

“What so you don’t want us here?” Zayn says popping up from behind the couch. A huge grin spreads across Dawn’s face as she practically sprints to him and drags him to the ground in her hug.

“Wait so if those two are here then?” Arabell says walking in with Liz and Alyssa right behind her.

“Surprise!!!” Liam, Louis and Niall all call out from various places. The girls squeal and run to them, wherever they are…

“But wait aren’t you guys like insanely tired?” I ask raising my eyebrow towards Harry who just shrugs in response.

“We decided that we wanted to hang out with you girls more so we came over.” Louis explains a Arabell clutching his arm.

“Don’t you see us enough at rehearsals everyday?” I ask.

“Yeah but we’re busy and we don’t just get to hang out with you.” Harry says grabbing my hand and pulling me into our game room. “Why are you trying to get rid of us?” Harry asks as he sits down on the couch and turns the TV on.

“No I’m just tired that’s all.” I say yawning and falling down on the couch resting my head in his lap. The rest of the party joins us in the game room and my eyes drift to a close as Dawn, Liz, Niall and Liam attempt to play Call of Duty.

“I’m gonna go take her to bed.” I hear Harry say just before I’m lifted up and taken upstairs. He lays me down on our bed and I roll on my side and curl up as he pulls the covers over me and goes to slip out.

“You aren’t going to stay with me?” I ask tiredly.

“I am I just have to do something real quick.” He says and I nod in response before falling asleep.

I wake up the next morning to find Harry’s side of the bed still made… ‘why didn’t he come back last night…’

**A/N HAHAHA i'm sooo proud of myself for holding out to my promise!!!! yayy!!!! welp here is this chapter hope you enjoy it :D and i'm starting to figure out where i want to go with this fanfic so it might actually be ending soond :'( but dont worry cuz i still have 3 other ones lol  and then i can devote more time to each of them which is very exciting and also very good so that there will be more chapters up more often :) i am very sad tho that my spring break is almost over tho cuz then i wont get to write as much :( but i will indeed try and update as much as i possibly can because i know how annoying it is when you are just sitting there waiting for the next chapter for like ever!! love you guys!! Comment what you think and vote and fan if you'd like :)

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