Chapter 16

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We continue lying there for a bit but then Harry starts to get up and I sit up as well. Everyone else looks up at us and they get up too. I notice Zayn and Dawn were in the middle of a grass fight, Niall, Liz, Danielle and Liam were attempting to climb a tree, and Louis and Arabell were lying down much like Harry and I were.

“So is it time to go?” Dawn asks looking up at me while signaling a Zayn time out.

“Yeah we got a date tonight so… unless you guys want to stay here?” Harry says looking around. All the boys look over at the girls and the girls raise their hands saying I don’t know. Arabell looks over at me.

“I wanna help her get ready for the date!” Arabell says starting to the house and all the girls follow. The boys look at each other and just follow the girls, except Liam and Danielle since it is their house. We all get in the limo and head home. We get there and I look up at the clock and see it’s about 6pm.

“So when do I have to be ready by?” I ask looking up at Harry.

“7pm.” Harry says and the girls all grab my arms and pull me upstairs. We get to the bedroom and I’m pushed onto the bed. Dawn decides to do my finger nails and toe nails, Liz works on my makeup (even though I hate it) and Arabell goes through my luggage looking for something to wear.

“Ok I have decided you will wear this.” Arabell says holding up a bright purple dress with a green ribbon across the middle and down the back. I look up at her.

“That’s not my dress.”

“I know but I couldn’t find one I liked in your luggage. So you’re wearing this one.” Arabell comes over pulls me up and throws me in the bathroom along with the dress. I pull it on and realize just how form fitting it is, it comes just above my knee is somewhat low cut and hugs me tight and that is when I really notice I do have curves. ‘huh who would have thought?’ I come out and all the girls smile and give me a thumbs up. Arabell comes up sets some green heels on the floor in front of me and I hang on to her shoulder as I slide into them.

“Beautiful.” Dawn says.

“Love it!” Liz says.

“Now you have to decide on the hair.” Arabell says and I look over into the full length mirror and head into the bathroom and decide to give it a little tease and waves. I come out and the girls applaud. I smile and bow and Arabell comes over and pushes me out the door. I roll my eyes and head to the stairs. Harry comes out of his room and sees me and stops instantly.

“Absolutely beautiful.” I blush and look down. Harry reaches over and takes my hand and we head out. Harry opens the door for me and I slide in the car and he runs around to the drivers side. We pull out of the garage and head to who knows where. After about 15 minutes we pull to a stop. I look out and see that we are at a beach. Harry comes around and opens my door and offers me his hand which I gladly take. We head out to the water.

“You aren’t afraid of boats are you?” Harry asks.

“No, I’m not.” I say looking over at him confused before I realize that there is a boat out in the water complete with lights and a dinner for two. “Oh my God.” I say and we head out onto the boat. A stereo starts playing in the background and we head to the table and sit down.

“So…umm…” I look up and see Harry’s struggling to say something. I wait a bit longer but he doesn’t continue.

“Yes?” I ask hoping he will say whatever he was going to. He looks up at me and again I am shell shocked by those sparkling green eyes I swear they sparkle more at night.

“Umm… well I was just wondering…well I assume you’ve heard all the rumors with me being with all these girls and doing stuff with them then dumping them…” I look up and nod because I have heard stuff like that although I never believed it, ‘please don’t say it’s all true, please don’t say it’s all true.’ “Most people think that I’m a player or whatever and I was just wondering do you think that way about me?” He looks directly into my eyes.

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