Chapter 2

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Harry's p.o.v

I can't believe that this is the girl I bought that ring for unintentionally. I didn't even think she would be this gorgeous although I guess now that I think of it I wasn't really thinking at all I just did it. Anabell fell asleep on my shoulder last night and she is even more beautiful asleep if that's even possible. I've never felt this way about a girl not ever and I have no clue what to do about this. As I slide the ring out of my pocket again I look down at the engraving 'I'll always love you, Anabell -Harry' I can't believe I actually had that engraved in there before I even knew her. But I can't say I regret it, although I do wonder what I'm going to do with it now. Titanic ends and I don't want to bother her so I just lean my head back and fall asleep. Oh yeah, where is Louis and Arabell?

Louis' p.o.v

-4 hours earlier-

Oh man here we go again Harry's got another girl and then he wants to go out and get her sister, geez what was he thinking. I mean seriously the press would have a field day actually I think they already are. I drive down the very familiar road towards where Arabell said she was. Oh there she is, I believe I pull over and head over to her.

"Are you Arabell?"

"Yes I am." She replies sweetly.

"How do I know for sure?" I question.

"Well my sister is Anabell she has red hair brown eyes pale skin and glasses exactly like mine. And when I called her she said she was at your house." She explains.

"Ok I believe you lets head back." I say as I pick up some of the luggage and put it in the backseat. I open the door for her and take a look at her face and see that she is surprised but slides in anyways. I walk around to the other side and get in and start the car.

"So if there are a bunch of reporters outside your house, then what are they going to think if they see you and I together?" Arabell asks.

"Huh I guess I didn't think of that... do you think you could duck?"

"Well what about all the luggage in the back seat?"

"Rightt..." 'I guess I'm having a bad day today.' I reach down for my phone and press speed dial number 3.

"Hello." I say into the phone.

"Hey what's up?" Liam says.

"Well we got a little situation." I begin to go into everything that's happened. "So do you think we could stay at your house tonight?"

"Yes of course come on over."

"Ok thanks bud."

"No problem." I hang up the phone. To Arabell, "So we will be staying at Liam's house tonight."

"What?! No way!!... opps sorry." I smile.

"No problem." I pull into Liam's driveway at about 9pm which is like 4 hours later then I was supposed to be back... maybe I should call Harry. I pull out my phone and hit number 2 on speed dial. The phone just rings and rings so I leave a voicemail. God I hope he's not doing something he's going to regret. I get out of the car and head over to the passenger's side. "Do you need anything out of there or can we just leave it?"

"I just need this bag." Arabell says as she reaches in and picks up one small bag then proceeds to close the door and follow in after me.

"Heyy. I gonna guess that your Arabell." Liam says as he opens the door.

"Ye-Yes I am." Arabell says with a smile... 'well I guess I know who she likes.' Did I really just think that??

"Well it's pretty late so I'll show you where you will be sleeping." Liam says as he takes Arabell's hand and leads her up the stairs while I grudgingly follow after them. "Goodnight, love... Louis."

Live While We're Young (One Direction fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora