Chapter 7

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“Geez guys get a roomm…” Niall says just waking up. I smile and Harry turns around and sits down next to me.

“Well it was perfectly fine when you were sleeping.” Harry says grinning. I look over at Liam and see that he is deep in thought.

“Soo… Liam?”

“Hmm…” Liam says looking over at me. I smile not really sure what I was going to say after that.

“Umm… what are you guys doing today?” I ask hoping Harry won’t mind that I’m asking Liam and when I look over I notice that his eyes are closed again.

“Well WE,” Pointing at the boys. “Have rehearsals and stuff so I was thinking about leaving you with Danielle to show you two around. Is that ok?” Liam asks. I look over at the still sleeping Arabell, actually… wait she’s awake that sneaky little girl.

“Umm yeah that would probably be ok… I’ll ask Arabell… Hey Arabell.” I say and see her roll over. I pick up a pillow and chuck it at her smiling when it hits her right in the face yet perfectly missing Louis. I hear her moan and see her turn around and sit up.

“Whatt…” Arabell whines.

“Would you like to explore London today?…with Danielle?” I say quietly adding in the Danielle part.

“Sure!” She says eyes lighting up. “When are we leaving?”

“I’m not sure.” to Liam, “When does your rehearsal start?”

“Noon.” Liam says and I look up at the clock seeing it’s only 9:30am. ‘Why am I up so early?’ “Soo…” Liam says filling in the silence which wasn’t all that necessary. “What should we do now?” Liam finishes looking over at Arabell who was currently in mid yawn but still manages to smile.

“We could play a prank on them.” She says grinning mischievously.

“What kind of prank did you have in mind?” Liam asks smiling.

“Well… do we have any whipped cream? Because we could do the classic whip cream in the hand.” I have yet to play that prank on someone so I’m not entirely sure it will work. But apparently Arabell and Liam think it will so they get up quietly and get some whip cream. “Who first?” Arabell asks quietly.

“Louis.” Me and Liam say in agreement. They walk over to Louis and I pick up Harry’s phone to take a video. Liam puts the whip cream in Louis’ hand and Arabell kneels down and slightly moves his hair. Louis reaches up to fix it and bam WHIP CREAM IN THE FACE!! Liam, Arabell and I all crack up laughing as Louis wakes up somewhat mad.

“Good one Arabell.” Louis says smiling, “Now come here and give me a hug.”

“NOOOO!!!!” Arabell screams waking everyone else up as she takes off across the house. I get up to get this on video as well.

“Aww come here Sweetie don’t you want a little Louis loving?” Louis says still chasing her around, (Arabell is much better at running then I am).

“Actually I do.” Arabell says stopping abruptly which causes Louis to run into her and they fall to the floor laughing. I stop the camera and walk over to see Arabell licking all the whip cream off arms as Louis adds more.

“Well that was a nice wake up call.” Harry says coming to stand by me.

“Yeahh… You should be careful with us around,” Harry looks over at me with a worried look, “you never know what might happen.” I say smiling to myself and looking back over at Arabell and Louis. “So what’s for breakfast?” I ask looking back to Harry.

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