Chapter 37

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“Morning sleepy bum!!” Arabell basically yells as I walk down the stairs.

“Well that’s a nice wake up call.” I say rolling my eyes as I head to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

“Where’s Harry? Doesn’t he usually wake up before you or with you at least?” Arabell says barely looking away from her Looney Tunes.

“I don’t know where he is, he didn’t come back last night…” I say swallow over the lump that has now formed in my throat.

“Oh… wait you don’t think that means… No it can’t be… he loves you!!” Arabell rambles on as I pop a squat on the loveseat.

“I don’t know what to think… the last thing he said was that he had to do something real quick and that he would be back…” I say biting into my jelly toast.

“Huh… I’m gonna call him…” Arabell starts to pull out her phone just as Louis and Harry walk in.

“Hey babes.” Louis says kissing Arabell before planting his bum next to her on the couch.

“Sorry I didn’t come back last night it got late and I forgot and ended up just going home instead.” Harry says kissing my cheek and sitting next to me. I nod and continue eating. “You aren’t mad at me or anything are you?” Harry asks, worry crossing his face. I swallow fast.

“No of course not, I’m just hungry. I didn’t eat dinner last night.”

“Yeah you fell asleep before the pizza even got here.” Louis says dramatically rolling his eyes.

“Really?! You guys had pizza!!” I ask my eyes widening as I finish my toast and bolt to the kitchen where I find one piece left. I pull it out, heat it up and chow down.

“You really were hungry!!” Louis says his eyes wide. And I nod as I continue to eat the pizza. I finish it off quickly everyone still staring at me.

“What?! I really love pizza and I was starving… that was actually what woke me up this morning.”

“I was wondering why you were up so early… you usually sleep in as much as you possibly can…” Arabell says nodding with understanding now. “Your guys’ tour starts in February right?” She asks turning towards Louis who nods. “And you start out in England, then Ireland and then America right?” Louis nods again, ‘Where is she going with this?’ “And then it goes on till like November right?” ‘Ohhh… that’s where.’ Louis nods again. “Do you have any breaks? Or am I going to have to resort to stalking you guys while you’re on tour?” Arabell asks looking around at all of us this time. I shrug my shoulders having no idea what their schedule is.

“We do have a few yes… and you can always fly out to wherever we are at any time…” Harry answers.

“Ok I may take you up on that cuz I would miss you guys too much.” Arabell says hugging Louis who instantly hugs her back. I am so glad that I am going with them I just wish Arabell, Dawn, Liz and Alyssa could come too…

It is now the night before out first concert and I decided I would do a twit cam to calm me down. And so I’m just sitting up on my bed chatting with some people when Harry comes out of the bathroom with just a towel on and of course I blush like crazy.

“Hey babe.” Harry comes over kisses me on the forehead waves to the viewers and heads behind the camera to get dressed. I continue answering some questions and everything so he doesn’t get me all flustered but it still happens… I mean it’s Harry freaking Styles we’re talking about.

“Haha yes I am very excited for the tour but also incredibly nervous… And yes ladies and possibly gentlemen that was a naked Harry Styles… one of the perks of being me.” I say smiling into the camera as everyone starts to say that ‘I’m so lucky’ and ‘I’m so cute’ and ‘I wish I could marry Harry’. Harry comes back and rolls onto the bed next to me and says hi to our viewers. I look over to him and smile and he looks back to me and we just gaze at each other before he leans in and kisses me, rolls over on top of me and shuts the computer.

“I’m so glad you’re coming on tour with us… I would miss you way to much to survive” Harry mumbles into my hair.

“Me too.” I say reaching up and locking my fingers around his neck. We fall asleep wrapped up in each others arms, which is probably the best part of dating him. I wake up the next morning to a phone ringing and thinking it was mine I reach out to answer it. I pick it up and realize it’s not mine, it’s Harry’s and it says Vivienne ‘Who in the world is that?’ I ask myself as a knot starts to form in the pit of my stomach. ‘Calm down… it’s nothing Harry would never cheat on you… would he?… I hope not… First show is today!! Oh boy!’

**A/N getting pretty good at updating when i say im going too yayy :DD i really wish i had faster internet that'd be lovely... but sadly living in the middle of nowhere resricts my options so yeah hope you all like this chapter thinking that this ones gonna end soon :'( i think i might cry when it does its such a sadd time but lets Live While We're Young hahaha welp comment, vote and follow if youd like :)

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